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I Forge Iron

Bob S

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Posts posted by Bob S

  1. Doing strictly "artistic" work, doesn't really appeal to me.
    I do Mechanical Design, ... and operate on the principal that any fool can build a complex mechanism, to do a simple job.

    The "art" of Mechanical Design, ... is in building simple, elegant, but fully FUNCTIONAL tools and machines.


    Did anyone tell you how much we like pictures?

  2. I've fooled around quite a bit with the roller guides........not really sure what the deal is.

    Blade needs to be very tight. Very very tight. I crank mine as tight as I can. Then a bit more.

    Cuts straight and square.

  3. I have actually built 2 of them. The other one still needs some more work done on it. I have not put holes in the bottom yet because im not sure how i want to build the clinker breaker yet. Any one have any good ideas throw them my way please.

    Holes in the bottom (as most firepots have) will guarantee that as clinker is formed, it will flow down and block off your air supply, which will make necessary a clinker breaker.

    A better idea (IMO) would be if the bottom of your fire pot was raised so that there was room for the clinker to form without blocking the air. Imagine a ball cut in half with a hole thru the center for air. This could easily be forged and welded in place.

    Your fire will be able to breathe without continuously 'breaking' the clinker and losing fuel in the process. When the clinker gets so large that it blocks the hole it can be removed from the top using a hooked poker.

    Nice job on your pot so far.
  4. Only Danny Downs could say for sure but this hammer looks like my old 50 that I sold to Danny back in the 80's or so.

    It was a good running hammer then.

    I would remove the large guard myself. The danger from these hammers is waaaay overstated. If the pins are all in good shape the only 'danger' is the spring breaking or coming out. This can be guarded with a piece of radiator hose and a couple of hose clamps or a cable as some have done.

    my .02

    Bob S

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