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I Forge Iron

Chris C

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Everything posted by Chris C

  1. Very interesting. I've a lot of jeweler's Foredom equipment that would allow me to do some work like that without chiseling. (food for thought on my behalf)
  2. "Cold work".............hummmmm. Didn't realize one could do that. (as I'm sure your are aware, I'm a TOTAL, ABSOLUTE, newbie............but soaking up info as fast as I can!
  3. I have a friend who replaced all his old sash windows a couple of years ago. I was at his place the other day and noticed a pile of the weights next to a tree. I'm guessing these are cast iron. (????) Are they of any use to a blacksmith? Told him I'd ask to see if I could get rid of them for him.
  4. Holy Cow.................those are all nice looking pieces. Hope to be able to create things like that eventually. I especially like that double hook with the wall bracket.
  5. Chris C

    Show me your vise

    Thanks, Frosty. I'm new to all of this, so didn't really know what questions to ask. I've already talked him down 20% from what he was asking..................but if it's rough, I'll dicker on that some. Thanks for the "crossed fingers". I might really need them.
  6. Chris C

    Show me your vise

    Yup, I'm aware of that. He sent a picture with the jaws open as wide as they'd go and I'd swear it looked as if the screw was brand new from the factory. Of course, it wasn't all the way out and I didn't get a look at the screw box. He said he'd just inherited it and knew nothing about it.................except.......... "it's mighty stout" and "it locks up good and tight". I've already told him it's "sold", so I'd hate to go back on my word............but I will be looking it over before handing over the $$$. If it's trashed, I'll break my word...........much as I'd hate to do that.
  7. Well now, my newly acquainted friend, one isn't officially a blacksmith until one has that tell-tail bulge in his pants.....................er-uh, from a 1" ball bearing!
  8. Chris C

    Show me your vise

    Hmmmmmm..............................I might do that, but it would have to be an awfully good anvil at an awfully good price. Right now I'm pinching pennies to come up with enough in my pocket that when the right one at the right price comes along I'll have the funds. I really didn't want to buy the vise first because I've been saving for the anvil.................but I'll need both eventually. Chris
  9. Chris C

    Show me your vise

    Thanks, CGL. It looks as if I made a pretty good deal. Won't crow like a rooster until I see it and get to take it apart.
  10. I know this is an older thread, but might anyone know the approximate value of my 9" Buffalo Bench Vise" Except for some surface rust (easily cleaned up) it's in "Good Plus" condition. I'd say 95-99%. This blacksmithing hobby is getting costly and I need the money more than I need that heavy vise. bolted to my bench. The only thing I've ever used it for was to hold screws in to cut them shorter!!!!!
  11. Chris C

    Show me your vise

    I'm taking a two hour round trip drive tomorrow to pick up my 4" post vise. Purchased off Craislist. I hate doing that, but I did get 4 really good pictures and everything looks to be in good condition. Of course, I won't know until I pick it up and get it cleaned up in the electrolysis tank. Looks as if it has been kept in a barn, so it's not deeply rusted from being out in the rain like so many I've seen offered.............only surface rust, which tickles me. It might not even need the electrolysis soak. Even has a straight crank arm..........which I seldom see around here............so no straightening to do. We'll just have to wait and see what I bought. Keepin' my fingers crossed for sure. I'll post "Before" pics when I get it home.
  12. Looks like a RR spike to me, CGL. Hey, THall.............how well it rings isn't quite as important as how much rebound it has. Find a 1" ball bearing and drop it from a height of 10" and measure the percentage of rebound. If it's 90% or higher, you can expect me to drive up and steal it from you in the middle of the night sometime. (er-uh, dat dere was a joke!)
  13. Dangit, I'm gettin' ticked off. All these great deals on good anvils and all I can find around me is beat up pieces of trash for $6-$7 a pound!!!!! Oh...............Super anvils and super deals, THall. Happy for you. (but still ticked!)
  14. That's why I asked. Looked too heavy to be a farrier's anvil. Didn't realize it was THAT heavy, though.
  15. I don't have a welder. But the more I read about and get into this blacksmithing hobby, the more I realize I'm going to occasionally need a one. Certainly don't need one that will weld big heavy stuff.................more like a tack or two here and there or a short bead or two now and then. Don't care to spend thousands, but don't want to have to continually go ask to borrow someone else's either. So what's a halfway decent wire-fed welder for that kind of occasional use?
  16. .20/lb???? Here we have to pay .34/lb. And really nothing in the yard.........that I can put to use.
  17. WOW, Jack. I don't know what you figure that beautiful thing is worth, but it sure is impressive. Guess I missed your "build thread". What's the tonnage? I really like the fact it's so compact. The only one I've had the pleasure to use is a monster that takes up a good amount of floor space.
  18. I must be living in the wrong part of the U.S. Nothing anything like what you guys are finding in our metal scrap yard.
  19. Yup, it's yours. Now go smash some hot steel on it. Anxious to see what you get started with.
  20. You never need to apologize for vocalizing or exposing your grief, CGL. I spent 13 years as a facilitator for a Grief Recovery Support Group, so believe me when I say just feel what you feel when you feel it. Most people understand grief.................they just don't understand the process of the journey. Prayers being sent your way. Like Frosty said, set up that beautiful new anvil and gently ring it 3 times for each of your grandchildren and yours and your family's loss. God Bless you.
  21. Wow! Urban Camouflage. I'm sure you could pick it out of a line-up of them at the police holding pen if it were stolen.
  22. I've been thinking about the build project, but I've so many other projects right now that it's all becoming daunting. Unfortunately, I've no scrap pile to work from so all the materials and parts will have to be purchased.
  23. I'm truly sorry for you loss CGL. That's a tough one to grasp and work through. I can't even imagine what your journey has been like. I'll put you and your Mom on my prayer. list. And may your future in pounding steel be a fulfilling one.
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