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Everything posted by HammerMonkey

  1. Nice find! They both look pretty good to me, but I agree #1 is very nice. Sorry, I can't help you on which is better for you, as I am just a newbie.. Any markings?
  2. Ouch! Sweat on the glasses is something I battle all the time, ugh... Hope it heals quickly!
  3. I think Ujravasalo is a fine name and I’d say to use it internationally. It is what I would expect to see if I sought a fine article from an blacksmith based overseas. I think it would ultimately help your brand recognition and reputation. Starbucks is Starbucks all over the world and I’d wager that few people would understand the meaning of the English name, or its link to Melville. But it’s also hard to imagine that there are many people in the world that are unfamiliar with the brand.
  4. Can you make out the maker’s mark? I can’t tell for sure if it is a lazy Z (on its side), an M, or an N... or??
  5. Sure can, I will try to do so this evening when I get home.
  6. Michael, Did you ever get a date on your anvil? I just bought a 185# Trenton a couple of months ago that was made in 1911 according to AIA. It looks like it could be your anvil's brother. Nice job on the restoration. I have not done anything to mine except a little wire brushing (manual) and beating some hot metal on it. I may give the electrolisis a shot. I really dig my Trenton. Congrats on the great find. Thank you for your service.
  7. Reminds me more of an aardvark... But I still really dig that anvil!
  8. That is really a beautiful anvil. over 400lbs too. Yikes! I love it. I see I am not the only one that has a canine photobomber. lol
  9. I've been teaching myself to weld... after much practice I find that I am becoming a better... grinder.
  10. ha, fortunately the pup is a she... no leg lifting or christening! She was just hurrying to photobomb my picture..
  11. Thank you. I’d sure like to see the pics of your reclaimed oak pedestal if you find them.
  12. This is my first post vise, if it is, in fact, a Colombian, is that a good one? When you say older, what are you thinking? I don’t know the history of that company. The parts all seem to be in excellent condition. The screw was coated in petrified grease, but shows no damage or much wear after cleaning. Same with the screw box. Although It looked like it was buried in a field when I got it, The whole thing is cleaning up rather nicely.
  13. Here’s the pedestal I spoke of making. It’s not as nice as one made of a hardwood would be, but it wii do for now. i used some old treated 2x12s I had left over from my pole barn. I glued them together, through bolted them with threaded rod, sanded it down a bit and then charred and finished with a light wire brushing to remove the slivers an splinters. It added a little character, that suits the106 year old anvil that is perched upon it. But function over form... right? The anvil fits snug and sets solidly. It is working really well.
  14. I picked up a 5" post vise a couple of weeks ago and started wire brushing and waxing it. So far I have only found a couple of numbers (Sorry, I didn't get a picture of them yet). Are there other distinguishing features that give a clue to it's origin or age?
  15. I looked for that post today after we spoke. I found it and started thinking of how I could use that design element in my forge. I’ve got a couple of ideas... Thanks again for calling. It was great chatting with you.
  16. Thanks, The holes in the pics are 1/2" dia. Would a bunch of smaller holes, concentrated over the inlet, be a bad thing? I was thinking that 1/2" Dia might let too much stuff fall through. Any thoughts on the total number of holes (along with the ideal diameter) that I should put over the inlet?
  17. I decided to knock together a brake drum forge, and I started the project without taking the time to research properly... One problem that I think I will have is with my fire grate. I am pretty sure I made the air holes too large and too spaced out. Fortunately, I have an extra piece of 1/2” steel that is cut into the same 12 3/4” diameter shape. Can anyone help me with the hole pattern/size for this? FWIW, I ditched the drum top hearth I was playing with in some of the pics and I am welding up a proper hearth that will be added shortly... (If you are wondering what the heck I did, the brake drum is welded to a brake rotor. The drum was from my Dodge Ram truck and the center hole was way too large. ) if you see any other glaring issues with my design or execution, feel free to let fly with the comments. Thanks.
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