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I Forge Iron

Mark Ling

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Everything posted by Mark Ling

  1. looks like it was fun. that last picture could hang on my wall! pretty cool. Littleblacksmith
  2. I tried to made a door knocker basically the same way as a hinge but tried bending the shoe into the holes, lets just say that I never finished it and it is currently in the scrap pile. LoL Littleblacksmith
  3. arkie, those look easier than I thought, thanks for sharing. Littleblacksmith
  4. I really like the look of the flat bar twisted, reminds me of an icicle Christmas ornament that we have. Littleblacksmith
  5. starting stock size? I may have to try this if you don't mind. Littleblacksmith
  6. You have progressed very well/quickly! so much different from your beginning knives! amazing! Littleblacksmith
  7. Me neither, but I can't open any pictures since I joined, really disappointing 'cause I would like to look at all of the bottle openers and everything else. Oh well. Littleblacksmith
  8. You may want to cut some holes in the side of the forge so that you can insert longer stock easier. Littleblacksmith
  9. any pictures? that would be interesting to see, never made/seen them made into hinges. Littleblacksmith
  10. BreakDown, in the third pic is their a crack starting were it hinges and going down towards the end of the compass, or is it just some fire scale? Littleblacksmith
  11. ill make a deal with you....$10 dollars, that's the highest I can go. You would even make a profit. Littleblacksmith
  12. I was looking at it some more and found the letter "U" about an inch tall. Hope this helps. Any ideas why the legs, air hole, and bolt holes aren't centered? Littleblacksmith
  13. At first I thought it said "forged TOWELS" and I was like wow this will be interesting. very nice, is it two pieces (it doesn't really look like it)? how did you get that triangle thing at were the handle meets the blade? spring swage? did you heat treat? I know, I know, that's a lot of questions, but its a good way to learn. Littleblacksmith
  14. Mark Ling


    second on that. very good info, you can always lower the price. Littleblacksmith
  15. what's the jaw size? again a great price, the cheapest one I've bought was $60 (recently) but it was in much worse shape than yours-deep pits. I thought I was getting a good deal, jaw size was 4 1/2, if I remember correctly. Littleblacksmith
  16. any reason for the preference? as in coal do you mean charcoal or dead dinosaur coal? I have that book also, one thing is that it is more about projects it seems. It only skims the surface of techniques and tooling. Any book suggestions others? Littleblacksmith
  17. I feel it coming... If I were you I wouldn't worry about the rust, it seems good to me, just a little oil and it will be fine. Looks really nice, and a great price. A wire wheel would be the best way to remove the rust if you want to, or at least it would be for me. Not sure if that was what you were asking? Got caught up in the wording of it. Littleblacksmith
  18. Don't you mean "manufacturing LETTER" sorry I couldn't help it. Littleblacksmith
  19. the third link can sometimes be annoying, or get in your way, as you have two other links on. Littleblacksmith
  20. You could store the "items" that you don't plan on using somewhere else (ex, storage locker, shed, garage-if you have the room) and keep the stuff you plan on using frequently on your property, and then once you move take everything out and build a home for all of them. Littleblacksmith
  21. Thanks for correcting me, I had the harbor freight anvils in mind when I was writing that. Littleblacksmith
  22. I can dispose of it for you, I'll evan pay shipping! Man though, that's a lot! especially for free! you know some nice people! Wow! Littleblacksmith
  23. So what's the story? auction, barn find, garage sale? Littleblacksmith
  24. Theirs an add on craigslist for a Peddinghaus anvil in Houston that weighs 77 pounds, would be enough to start on, oh and did I mention that its NEW for $600, was thinking of getting it but thought it was a little far away and don't really NEED another anvil but am always WANTING a new one. Littleblacksmith
  25. Nice to meet you! recently it seems like a lot of new smiths are coming from Texas, but I guess with a state this big, that its going to happen. So what are you planning on doing? small decorative stuff, bottle openers, axes, larger items (sculptures), (I would mention tools, but almost with every new project requires a new tool), or a little bit of everything? Littleblacksmith
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