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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by greenskpr

  1. I am! It'll be my first one. Only an hour away. I think I can sneak off work for a day.
  2. Congrats, man. Looks great. Once you catch the bug it's all you'll think about. Refining ideas and technique will take up the rest of your free time.
  3. From Wikipedia: A stock 2008 Concours14 - 114 kW (153 hp) @ 8,800 rpm It weighs under 500 lbs as well, which magnifies how it feels on the road. The power to weight ratio = super fun. The only thing I miss is loud pipes. I was on a trip through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan two years ago and latched onto a group of riders on Harleys who all had straight pipes, or configurations that were as loud, and it was deafening - they came up from behind and I heard them before I saw them. I'm a believer that loud pipes save lives. That said, I love the kaw. It's nimble and gets out of the hole in a heartbeat.
  4. That's a piece of art, lchaloner. Seems very specifically suited and functional.
  5. Cool pics. Wrt maintaining your motorcycle class on your license, a nice benefit if you get to travel for whatever reason (mine tend to be trade conferences) there's often reciprocity between states. I've made a point of going to Eagle Rider or whatever rental outfit you like and rent a bike for bit if you have a day or two of down time. I find it's a great way to try out different makes and styles of machines to see what feels best. Not that expensive for a days worth of buzzing around and they'll usually supply helmets if you want/need one.
  6. Awesome info, gentlemen. Exactly what I was looking for. Will post pics here and report back of what we get up to. Thank you.
  7. Its not, Man, and I know it already. But it's my only shot with the available land and dollars I have to spend. I've resigned myself to the fact that bigger isnt an option so I need to get my minimalist game on, be efficient and conservative in how this thing happens and try to remain realistic and make every square foot count.
  8. That's a nice resource, stew. Thank you.
  9. My wife's had about enough of me bringing tools in the house. The new shop can't come fast enough for her.
  10. It just makes it, frosty. Less than 0.125" there's a bit of wiggle so you can disengage it.
  11. Just wondering how many enjoy, or used to enjoy riding and what manner of conveyance you have. Been riding since 1993, quit for a couple years after an accident in 2000. Always looking for a road trip or destination to tour through. Sizing up a run through the Smokey Mountains, down to Asheville NC and back next fall if work doesn't get in the way. 2008 Kawasaki Concours14
  12. Still newbing around but this one stands out as a proud minute because it was the first success I had sticking stainless to 1095. The first attempt never took so tried enclosing the whole sandwich in a thin wall tube with the ends welded shut and got it to stick in that O2 free environment. It was exciting to pry it out of the wrapper and see that it welded. Small victories. Osage orange w/nickel spacers
  13. Better late than never.. My deadman from a workshop 2 years ago in Johnstown, PA with the CMA crew. IMG_0418.mp4
  14. Looking for any knowledge on these units. Have you used them or seen them used. What are their pitfalls or do they pretty much do the job. Clearing for the shop left enough trees to build a heavy bench and is fueling ideas for a new dining table but I'm too cheap to haul it to get it milled professionally. Thanks for any input.
  15. The googles say otherwise wrt CO.. slightly lighter than 'air'. My 0.02 is measure where you'll be instead of where you think 'it' might be if you're going to measure at all. So, put it at head level where you do most of your breathing. As I figure the venting plan out for my own shop, I'm basing my exhaust fan needs off the room volume and targeting how much air I want replaced per minute while I'm doing any kind of welding, tig,mig,stick or forge with the doors closed. This info here is helping me along those lines.
  16. It was a 3-phase motor and the shop will only have 1-phase. A phase converter is needed and it looks like I'll lose less hp with a vfd than a static box.
  17. Thanks, marcusb & jlp. We moved here from Wisconsin 20 years ago for a job and we've been fortunate. We love it and trying to make the most of it. The previous structure housed my wife's car had like 10% grade to the floor and was asphalt, which I found if you spill molten aluminum on, is flammable. Science! Too cluttered and full of our junk to make a safe place to form metal. The new place will be two buildings, one for car and seasonal junk and meat freezer, and the other a small but well appointed shop. I don't need a massive space, just some place to get it done and not set the car on fire.
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