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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by natkova

  1. I can't cut stump of. I will be moving anvil to other room , so I think I will later burry it in floor. What trip hazard you think?
  2. My anvil is to high, my shoulder is telling me that also Ian wondering can I make wooden stand so Ian higher than anvil is it flameable too much?
  3. Are you sure about that, can it make much difference X I know there is quite about lever and some scientist.
  4. I saw this type of building bars interesting h How this is type of making gates and fence is called ? When you upset and punch holes in bunch of rods and pass other trought it, it look simple. Same thing done with Mostar bridge. It was specialy made durning Ottoman era this kind of matalworking https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2FN0EAG/old-ottoman-tombs-in-green-tomb-yesil-turbe-behind-metal-fences-during-overcast-tombstone-of-an-ottoman-empire-governments-in-bursait-shaped-2FN0EAG.jpg
  5. I had now experience while I was hot filing , it is not painful at alland u can feel my wound will heal quickly. I missed stroke while I was filing so I got cut on hot red iron .
  6. I bought this masonry chisel I am not sure will I turn it into blacksmithing tool it's cheap new like 2 euros .
  7. What about building spring fuller? It goes in hardy hole
  8. Did anyone got expirence and luck to get some free stuff extre when you buy something. One blacksmith from other city i went with my car to buy anvil and forge that he sold me, gave me two hammers extra, files, hot chisel, and screws. He is electrician but he use to work with smithing too.
  9. Top bending fork i made before now i aded bottom for hardy
  10. Made chipping Hammer , head is made from mild steel , handle is coil spring. Need to be sharpened and cuting edge welded to it
  11. One question is spiral spring on vise Bigg No to buy it or they all have to be manufactured with leaf spring not coil? If there is coil it mean vise were "fixed" and leaf was lost?
  12. natkova

    Vise spring

    Might help someone
  13. natkova

    Vise spring

    I fixed it. Spring goes here and it's fastened It goes under this huge plate .
  14. natkova

    Vise spring

    I wanted to repair vise so i took it apart , bit to my wonder I don't know how this spring is attached.
  15. President Regan used this sycthe the /translation. Forge is old 500 years since Ottomans
  16. I guess you want to make bottom blast, if that is case, look into this https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Firepot+size+coal+forge You need something as this.
  17. And all of those that are young and alive are probably now dead, but its long tradition of blacksmithing in my country, just shame is smithing here is not appreciated.
  18. I saw that with experimenting in shop, mine one inch was tight fit in hardy hole. I made three od them I have some stock to forge other from that 1 inch square one bar , I will see maybe to stick weld or unwrap more call. Right now Iam out off fuel and quite sick like flue or cold, and I need some time from shop , it became like opsession. Have so much tools to make but so less time for it.
  19. We have misunderstanding here , thirst can be quenched to, is it same to quench and harden? I think quenching is just to cooldown steel, not to do anything with hardening (heat treat)
  20. What do you mean, dont quench it to cool it down? Since quenching is heat treating it (hardening)
  21. You loose space . You only have now workbench on three sides if you want to install shelfs or chest or something in that wall you can't. And if shop is small you kinda can't walk nice it's not comfortable for me I tied L to be honest and I like when I have separated stuff.
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