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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ironrosefarms

  1. Very nice, I like the proportions and the satin finish looks really nice.
  2. What does steel skid strap and Christmas have in common? I don't think they have anything in common UNLESS your trying to decorate a..... Caboose.... Our cub scout pack volunteered to decorate a caboose that was given to the city in honor of the towns 150th anniversary. So as Cub Master I got the joy of "master minding" the project. It started out just to outline the caboose in lights, but then I made the mistake of stating that I thought it would be cool to use some motion lights to make it look like the wheels was turning. Another leader spoke up and said she would buy the lights. Have you ever tried to put Christmas lights on a huge round chunk of steel standing on end? That is where the skid strap comes in, made these dandy clips to hold the lights to the outer rim of the wheels... I'll post pictures of the finished project in a couple days... James
  3. Creek, try this link Golden Hammer Hofi Interview
  4. FSF your really causing my interest in my own project to bud again. I would like to know more about the drive set up your using. Anything more you could add? I just got one of those newer Schwinn choppers given to me that has been hit on the rear end... Front end would be a perfect way to go for a three wheel chopper... I like the semi recumbent seat on this one, I have a old chair from a diner that I plan to use as the frame for the seat on mine. Still gonna have to build a 4 wheeler as well though...
  5. I had some trouble opening the original link? However found it here and was able to open and read it. Very interesting thanks for sharing...
  6. This brings up something I have thought about a bit. I have heard many a women state that men are "so un-romantic"... Yet I know a good many men and maybe especially smiths, who are so incredibly romantic with the history of what they do... At one time I was pretty staunch in doing everything the old way, during that time I learned a lot of hard lessons. I also learned a lot of hammer control and technique because of those lessons (also sometimes called mistakes). I don't think it is any more wrong to pick a date in history and re-create the technology and art any more than it is not wrong to use the most up to date techno advances, as long as you are honest enough to offer the product as exactly what it is. A few years ago I set up at a local festival, about 12 booths down from me was another man selling shepherd poles and such and declaring them both verbally and with his signs as "hand forged". What he was actually doing is in the trailer behind him was a hydraulic bender that he would bend the curves with cold, then he would walk out heat the end put it on the anvil and put a slight point on it. His representation of hand forged compared to mine was very different and so was the price. Was he wrong for stating it was hand forged? well maybe not since he did wack each piece with a hammer four times... but was he honest in his presentation and advertising? I'll let you decide.
  7. Welcome to IFI Dave, looks like you will fit right in with all of us... Look forward to seeing you around the forums James
  8. Frosty, it will be a cold cold day when they pry my hammer from my hand... errr wait the temperatures have been dropping pretty good.... uhhh let me rephrase that... it will be a cold cold cold cold cold cold cold -120 degree kind of day when they pry my hammer from my hand. Now as for lips making contact with the anvil, You guys don't kiss your anvils? Oh come on and some of you claim to be obsessed with blacksmithing... heck I even looked for Hofi's lip prints on the hammer I got! He did sign it! but I'm still awaiting the CSI investigation report on the lip prints, they might have been Glenn's??? Now if you don't mind I'm going to move over to the tailgating area and drool over a few little things... "the key to this is being sure the keyboard is out of the way of the drool! drool like coffee, tea, or cola is not good for a keyboard!
  9. If you have a chance to "measure" his hat and make the half ring just slightly smaller it will work real nice. If he is like me and has a big head and the half ring is too narrow the hat won't want to sit straight and in high humidity will still cause issues especially with a felt hat. I second the leather on the contact surface, if no leather is available some black felt from the craft store would work well too. Most of my hats hang upside down in a ring, the exceptions are the hat I wear daily that sits on the upright log of my headboard and my campaign hat that is stored and hung in a flat boarder. James
  10. Our prayers are with each of you my friend...
  11. Only change one letter at a time.
  12. Well there is two lists, the realistic one A pick up truck of Coal A cone I could put in my vice A trip to the salvage hard to pick up some heavy plate steel Then there is the "you want what???" list A Shop!!! A power hammer A swage block and stand
  13. Welcome muddog, here is a great place to get started Getting Started Later you can find the link on the home page. You'll find lots of info here, WARNING though, you'll want to pack a lunch and a tall beverage before starting in. Also if you have not heard blacksmithing can be an addictive habit. Look forward to seeing you around IFI... James
  14. That is kind of the approach I have in mind (junk in jalopy out) I have been eyeing an old lawn mower front end for the tie rod system, I had a trike that I was going to hack up but my father in law wanted it in trade for a brush hog I wanted (good deal!) So I haven't settled on the rear end build. I have some 2" square tube laid aside and some angle iron as well. I like the tractor seat, it's my style! I had thought about making a recombent style seat for mine the idea of layin' back while ya peddle does sound nice. I suppose my biggest thing is time and gumshin!
  15. This has been one of those things on my list to build for some time now. Are the front tie rods and such off a riding mower? How did you build the rear axle or is it off a trike? Differential? How is the braking with brakes on the back only? I would guess you could make a tractor corner if you used just one brake? Dimensions? Weight? Blue print? Overall it's great, the forged antler "hood" embellishment really sets it off too!
  16. I just got off the phone with the missionary I will be working with this summer, and possibly teaching some blacksmithing. As typical his idea of a blacksmith is what you find in a re-enactment village or museum setting. It took a bit of explaining that a forge can be made of many things, even the ground itself. So this got me to thinking... (dangerous I know:o) What have you used to build a forge, (not how but what)... or for that matter what have you thought of using? Here is my list of what I have used~ Pickup truck brake drum Small washtub and clay A few fire brick Factory discarded propane tank bottom 30 gal barrel lid
  17. Nice John, did the mouse nest harm the fan blades? I got one much the same way that the mouse mess ate the tin blades up. I cut and riveted new blades and works like new.
  18. I'm afraid if I touch any of my equipment right now I may not get it un-frozen from my hands... I wouldn't recommend putting your tongue on the anvil right now either!
  19. You wouldn't say SUCH a thing would you Frosty?
  20. Six Strikers Striking - original song the geese laying stood for creation- what could be more creative than Six Strikers!
  21. You better use a JACK to put it back on!
  22. Ok, it's bad... I've not been able to get to the forge for nearly a month. I'm not coping very well. I left for work an hour early tonight, got to work 10 minutes late cause of all the scrap I stopped to pick up on the road... But I got some good stuff! Now I am here at IFI trying to get my "fix" and I wandered into the tailgating area... oh my, anvils, hammers, cones..... I actually went and checked out my mad money to see what I have on hand... just as I thought... not enough... I'm afraid putting the item on Santa's list might not work out, first Santa ain't got much money either and it might sell before I get to the item I want... plus I've been as bad as possible hoping for some more coal! I can feel my heart pounding and I feel all jittery... I got to go, time to drive home, maybe I can find some more scrap? if nothing else I can hold one of my hammers as I make my drive???
  23. Welcome Ernesto... my twins are 10 and they too are beginning to forge a few projects. I think it is outstanding that you have your Papi who is willing to supervise and support your interests, this is a huge blessing! Be sure to let him know how much his help and support means to you. Something I sure wish I did was to take picture of my projects when I was just starting out. If you can photograph your projects, it will give you a way of seeing your progress and it is a great way to keep record of what you have accomplished. Though I did not start as young as you, I still wish I had taken pictures of all those early projects. Plus the folks here like pictures too, you'll be amazed at the support and help you'll get from a picture of two here. Best of luck and looking forward to seeing you around IFI. James
  24. don't get on the cart till you fix that PART
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