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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by markb

  1. Ken Kesey trippin' a little Further down the road
  2. Klic and Klak... the Tappet Bros.
  3. Professor Ping in "Barbarella"
  4. Unique idea, I like the BOLD strokes, looks real good.
  5. I've found that filing is slow and can give you crisp edges but can be wavy. Grinding is crisp but can easily git out of control fast. Forge as close to design as posssable , stay straight and leave enough to grind -file to shape. No quick easy way, just takes practice .
  6. vacation .... with more characters
  7. Build a small trebuchet and use it for the weight.
  8. I'm amazed at your skill in design, execution and presentation. A beautiful work, inspiring. Thanks
  9. Samuel Yellin, Albert Paley, Uri Hofi, Beau Hickory, William F.Moran
  10. "It's my way or the hyway"
  11. markb

    I'm back!

    James Glad to hear your' doing better, stay active and adapt to the changes. Post some pics of your copper work, stay strong and know that we are behind you.
  12. "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac." ~ George Carlin ~
  13. Fred Flintstones spare tire. oops he had stone wheels. As said earlier if you have a power hammer and it's wrought.... Sell for scrap and buy some more useful steel. Door stop Door knocker If all else fails, ...candle holder. I would never part with it because the chances of getting another one is 1 in a million in my life time. No mater how useless. If I couldn't figure out what to to with it, it would just remind me that I wasn't applying my creative abilities. Have fun
  14. Quote: It seems to me that once tempered, the steel is no longer at max hardness. If I begin at that point and temper for a second, and possibly a third time, am I not reducing the hardness each time, and thereby arriving at a steel that is too soft to produce a good edge? Quote Think of the steel as paint, made up of a number of different colors.( austenite, cementite, martensite etc. If they are not mixed well you see each individual color. ( first temper) If you want them to combine to make a new color you have to mix well.( repeat tempering) I've been tring to understand this also. Hope this isn't over simplified or off base. Please feel free to correct if I'm to far off base.
  15. .............annoooootthheeerrr one
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