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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by brucegodlesky

  1. Once that thing is running, it will be oil covered anyhow. but if you must.... 2K primer then fill with Bondo. Sand, 2k primer then topcoat with the color of yer choice.
  2. I've cold stamped perhaps 100 blades wqith my Buckeye stamp and it is as clear as the day I received it.
  3. IIRC, some of the guys over at Forgemagic were forging spring traps. Y amight check there
  4. Do a seaerch for Buckeye Engraving, they're in Ohio and also Henry Evers Company? I believe that Riverside maxchine does them also.
  5. I'll call it a utility :-) Good start!
  6. JPH, you're goin' back a looong way :-) with the QCC. 1950's anyhow.
  7. Another one come trailing behint yesterday. 120+ Mousehole
  8. Steve, the stickies are just what we need. Thanks bruce/birdog
  9. Seems the consensus is composite. I was curiuos as to what guys were using. I tried leather on my hammer and it just kept stretching and stretching. Finally switched over. No wonder they invented composite. I have belting and gator clips but thanks guys for the contacts. bruce/birdog
  10. Use a flaty faced hammer for the last coupla heats . Then sprinkle some water on the anvil while straightening the blade. It will blast the scale off.
  11. Steve, I rather enjoyed the open-type discussion we had, other than the folks butting in with non -knifemaking stuff and verbal meles. Like Irnsgn said, you da boss. jmo
  12. I have an old Browne and Sharp(I think) surface grinder that had a motor added to the back to run it. I checked the original motor and it still works. I reckon the belt broke and they just added the other motor rather than go thru the aggravation of making a new belt. My question is, should I go with a leather belt or a composite? Thanks bruce
  13. Thanks Steve, I thought mebbe you were using some tooling of some sort to do the crimping.
  14. Wilkinson anvil. 183 under the heel. Starting the yr off right :-) I had to give $20 for it :-)
  15. Nice stuff Steve! How are you "crimping the billet" ?? Thanks bruce/birdog
  16. There is a local iron shop with a 50# Little Giant as lawn art/advertising. And no, it isn't for sale :-)
  17. Great job on your cable!! Nice sheath also. You do that on a hammer or by hand? bruce/birdog
  18. Covforge, that's the best Christmas gift ever. I can guarantee that your life will be now changed forever.
  19. Fred, I didn't know you frequented those places :-) Nice work!! bruce/birdog
  20. Classy!! Keeo up the great work! bruce
  21. I preheat the weld area(3/4" either side), do the weld, then post heat the same area.
  22. check ebay or amazon for 'Pounding out the profits". I fgot mine 6 months ago for about $70 +or-
  23. Nice lil carry piece. Good work!!
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