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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Feukair

  1. More... The blade portion is about 9 1/16" long...
  2. More pics... That 4th pic is after some profiling of the spine and edge on the grinder.
  3. Making a sashimi knife for a friend of mine. This will be the first knife that I actually take to fully finished state, which means i will polish it, sharpen it, and give it a handle... (i havent put a handle on any of my blades yet, i still spend all my time working with the metal...) Below are some pics of the progress so far.
  4. How deep is your firepot? I get less scale since i made a proper fire pot. You want a few inches of burning coal below the work piece to burn the oxygen out of the air your pumping into the forge before it reaches the piece. The more recent pics you posted though do look like normal scale to my un-professional eye, so it looks like you got a method figured out for your environment.
  5. Finally found a good deal on a nice quality cast metal blower. $100 at a local auction... This one is all cast metal, gears inside are in great shape, very heavy... We're in the process of cleaning it up and giving it a new paintjob then it will replace the current blower we're using.
  6. Awsome, very clean looking damascus...
  7. Very cool video. Judging from the way the 3 hammer'ers have to stand all the way back up after each strike I don't think there is much care for how strenuous that labor is for the three apprentice "power hammers". Those sleges look heavy too, like 10lbs, i wouldnt want to swing one that way for long.
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