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I Forge Iron

Christmas present project

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It looks great! The best thing to do would be to test it with a hat and see if over time the hat retains it's shape. The hook reminds me of harness hooks that we have in the barn and basement. You might want to try a double row of horseshoe shaped supports so that with cross pieces connecting the two (like a harness hook) so that the hat is supported over a wider area (so as to not distort the hat).

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Lot of folks out this way make a hat holder by taking apx 1/8" wire and bending it back on itself, twisting a bit near the bend leaving two places for screws and then bent the legs out so the hat is placed upside down with the crown between the legs, well supported and easy to make.

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Oh Mike, Mike, Mike.

I can see you are ignoring my heartfelt advice to end the addiction and continue to play with fire and hit things with hammers. When WILL the violence end?

For your sake I implore you to send not only all those demon spawn tools to the Blacksmith's Anonymous Safe Storage facility in Meadow Lakes AK. but your latest victim as well. You shouldn't keep any reminders of the ravages of your unfortunate addition around to torment you. I'll make sure that hat hanger isn't allowed to harm another soul. No matter how attractive and functional it is, it's still a symbol of a terrible, terrible addiction.

I'm NOT from the government, I'm here for you buddy.


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Thanks for all the nice comments. Frosty uh-um-hmmmm, er, ah-- it's not that bad, really, I can get a handle on it, I can go 3 or 4 days now without smeeling the coal smoke. And I don't sneak out to the forge anymore, as with all 12 step programs, I can only lick a couple things at a time. Next is auctions, oh well maybe I'll make it something else, is that a hammer I hear???

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If you have a chance to "measure" his hat and make the half ring just slightly smaller it will work real nice. If he is like me and has a big head and the half ring is too narrow the hat won't want to sit straight and in high humidity will still cause issues especially with a felt hat.

I second the leather on the contact surface, if no leather is available some black felt from the craft store would work well too.

Most of my hats hang upside down in a ring, the exceptions are the hat I wear daily that sits on the upright log of my headboard and my campaign hat that is stored and hung in a flat boarder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now, now ,now---Here you you go making this deluxe hat hanger upper and these folks who should know better are telling you to use GLUE. Now any traditional cowboy might get his hat stuck on his head when the glue gets soft from the heat. Just take a leather punch and perforate the leather along the edge and lace it on with some leather or rawhide strips. Glue, what are you guys thinking. Or you could use baling wire.
(How did I get on this page?) I will try harder the next time!
Never fall in love with your first idea.

Edited by Warren Nakkela
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