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The only place I've stayed with a balcony was on Hawaii and it wasn't wide enough to close the door behind you and had a railing about breast pocket high. Granted that isn't very high on me but . . .

Frosty the Lucky.

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4 hours ago, BillyBones said:

i rushed right into the closed glass door. 

When we lived down in Florida the house had a large screened in patio and overlooked a canal. One day some friend's came over and had their 7 year old boy with them. When they came in the front door the boy seeing the patio & canal beyond ran full speed right through the closed sliding glass door. Thank goodness for tempered glass he suffered a bump on his head but no injuries from the broken glass. The boys mother was a nurse and checked him over very good, we were afraid he may have suffered a concussion and wanted him to go to the ER but she assured us he was fine and had a very hard head.:)

After having the glass replaced (again with tempered glass) we put all sorts of stickers on it to indicate the door was closed. No more embarrassing incidents.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus



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Funny stories lol. One morning on my way to work, I was at a 4 way stop, and had the window all the way down to enjoy some crisp winter air. Well the car that passed me hit a pot hole and I got a face and mouth full of slushy, dirty, salt water. 

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6 hours ago, Irondragon Forge ClayWorks said:

After having the glass replaced (again with tempered glass) we put all sorts of stickers on it to indicate the door was closed. No more embarrassing incidents.

after ours killed numerous birds we did the same, and now the hummingbirds just fly around very confused why there is bright colours and no nectar

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MJ, we used to have a house that had an enclosed porch. The bottom was wood slats with screen then at about 3' it was windows. I came home from the grocery store and there was a hummingbird in one of the far windows trying to get out. I cupped it in my hand gently and carried out and let i go. I have actually held a humming bird in my hand. 

Ok, embarrassing. I wnet to work once on one of those nice winter days that get up in the 40's or so one day with my window down. Got out of the car and went in to work. I worked 2nd shift at the time. That night the weather turned bad and the temp dropped, freezing rain, snow, the whole nine yards. My car was a 70' Nova and had a foam front seat, i left the window down. when i left work that night my seat was a solid block of ice.  

Again same job, we went through a period of pranks. I went out one night just before quitting time and one of the guys i worked with i turned his stereo up full blast, his A/C on full blast ( again it was winter, which comes into play shortly) windsheild wipers on high, everything turned up full blast for when he started his car. So a couple days later and he knows who did it. Kind of chilly that night so i go out to start my car and warm it up. I think that now he is going to come out and turn all my stuff on full up. So, of course lock the doors that will foil his attempts. I had to get a ride home that night to get my spare key so that i could come back and unlock my running car. 

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I've done that Billy so I started carrying a spare key in my wallet with a tag and lic# to a derelict car in the back of the pipe yard where I worked. 

Are new vehicles are keyless so it isn't an issue anymore unless someone picks my pocket. Except the pickup, it had one but when we discovered it'd cost a couple hundred dollars to replace it we decided old school keys were good.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  I just got the worst haircut I have ever had in my life by the nicest lady I may have ever ran into.  I tried to tell her how to fix it but I think she was a little hard of hearing and I was in the chair in front, naturally.  Everybody waiting seemed rather amused.  I had some stops to make after, on the way home, and I'm sure everybody thet saw me got a good laugh, it was BAD haircut, and got worse the more she worked on it.  It looked like it got chewed up in a weedeater.  I have a clipper and I'm just going to shave it all off.

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Right after i got out of the Army i got a really bad hair cut. That was the fall of '94 and was the last time i have been  to get a haircut. 30 years now. It used to be about waist long but then working in a machine shop, transmission shop, and old age taking its toll it is just below my shoulders now. 

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  George, it was too far gone.  It would grow back unevenly anyway.  I buzzed it all off and now my lumpy head shows off.  Reminds me of boot camp.  Some people don't look good bald.  I will wear a hat for a while.  

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I had a haircut once where I swear I looked just like Jim Carrey in the movie Dumb and Dumber. It was awful. I was working at the bar at the time and one of the drag queens took pity on me and fixed it - and then became my hair cutter person from then on until they moved away. I have a ton of cowlicks and a few scars that cause the hair to go a bit wonky if it gets too short. They were amazing at working with all those wonky spots. I've never had a hair cutter person before or since that was as good at that as they were.

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When my regular Cutter Dainie got married and moved away I had to find another. One seemed to be pretty good but the second time I went in the owner told the gal cutting my hair who'd missed a cut that it was okay, I didn't care. I stood up out of the chair and told her I understood why she thought nobody who got their hair cut there cared. I walked out with half cut hair and found another place who I had buzz it to "fix" it. Before Dainie was Tanya who was terrific, just her shampoos were worth the price of the cut. I let her pick my cut even.

Finding a good one was a real problem, then Deb's best friend was diagnosed with brain cancer and all her friends buzzed out heads in support. I discovered I really liked it buzzed, a single drop of shampoo and one of conditioner and a towel and I'm good to go. Shaving it wasn't so good, razor burn sucks.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Eye brows... not me but my uncle did. Him and my dad were trying to get a '57 Belaire started, he was pouring gas into the carb when it back fired. Lost his eyebrows and a bit of his beard. 

I set my hair on fire when i was in high school. Again being a metal head at the time i had long hair. I was sneaking a smoke, not tobacco, one morning before school and set the front of my scalp on fire. I looked up in the mirror and the flame looked like a unicorns horn on my head. 

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Billy, the FLAMING UNICORN! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 

Oh MY what were you smoking? Pm the info please.

I have to thank you for that Billy. Deb and I spent about 3 hours at our bank trying to iron out mistakes on both our parts that has our bank accounts locked and I am frazzled to the max.

I really needed a good laugh and you my Brother posted a healing potion of an image!

Thanks again.

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 2/12/2024 at 4:54 PM, Scott NC said:

Has anybody burned their eyebrows off?

Wow, I really don't know how I missed the replies.

My embarrassing moment along this line was when we got our first propane fired kiln. It was used and within our budget so we bought it and set it up in the shop. Being used to a propane forge where I would turn the gas on and throw a match in to light it, I figured it would work with the kiln also.

Well after cleaning the kiln all up and checking the 4 burners out of the kiln that mounted to a manifold under the kiln. I figured it would be good to go. However I thought I should make a long fire stick out of a wire coat hanger with a ball of cotton soaked in kerosene, that I could light each burner with.

Big mistake...I turned the tank on and adjusted the regulator to 5psi then went over to the open kiln and turned the shut off valve open. I looked in the open kiln and stuck the lit fire stick in to light the first burner.

That is when I learned you cannot dodge a propane fire ball. I was lucky all it did was burn off my mustache, eyebrows, eye lashes, some hair and give me a pretty good sunburn.

From then on, I would light it by crumpling up newspaper, placing some at each burner and set each on fire then turn on the gas valve on and stand back.:ph34r:


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On 2/14/2024 at 8:06 PM, BillyBones said:

Him and my dad were trying to get a '57 Belaire started, he was pouring gas into the carb when it back fired. Lost his eyebrows and a bit of his beard

  Yes, that's what happened to me, but I wasn't putting gas in there.   I JUST had to look and see if the accelerator pump was working and it chose just that moment to backfire.  A flameball shot out.  I was young and had nobody to teach me some things.  I learned a missing engine does not neccessarily mean a fuel problem real quick.  

  It's all good as long as we learn from our mistakes, and nobody get's hurt.

 I will say I blinked at the right moment.  My eyelashes were fused to each other.  Somebody was looking over me.  On more than one occassion.....

  This is one hazard kids don't face today, fuel injectors and all....

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