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I Forge Iron

Forging at the anvil

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To me abdul was a delicious straight line. 

If we're talking anvil use, forging on it is HARDLY different. We all do that. However some of us have been known to lay it on it's side to use the curves between body and feet or between the feet or under the heel as bending jigs/wide swages.

Is that the kind of thing you're asking about?

Frosty The Lucky.

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My 91# anvil with a caplet depression in the base can be flipped upside down and used as a dishing form.  It also has the thinnest heel of all my anvils and so gets used a lot for trueing fork tines, or rocked up so the horn points at about 60 deg up which is handy for some tasks.

As for how to find a larger on ASK EVERYONE!  (AKA the TPAAAT)  Which is how I found my 469#  Fisher that sits next to the 91# A&H.

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