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I Forge Iron


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Since you are just down the road from me; it's worthless and I'll haul it off for you for a few bucks;  If you lived near John it would be a high priced anvil indeed! Which of the 100+ countries participating here it's in  will make a big difference in price; in some countries; where in the country it's at makes a difference too!

Also I have a used Ford car for sale what's a good price?  (If it's a totaled escort then US$200 scrap; if it's a mint 1965 Shelby Cobra then you are talking around a million+.)

Like a used car the details of an anvil make up most of the price. For anvils that's: make (Paragon), model (?), size(?) and CONDITION(?)!

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Welcome aboard Wilkybud, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you're more likely to have somebody make an offer. As Thomas has been hinting, Prices and values of blacksmithing tools and equipment vary considerably depending on location. 

Your anvil appears to be in pretty good condition and a Paragon is top shelf being cast Swedish steel. The weight is important as well. 

I have my fingers crossed you live in Houston Alaska and I can drop by for a look see. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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So you did, I forgot. That's the point of suggesting you put your general location in the header. Telling us once in a thread won't stick in our memories once we open another post. I'll try and remember the weight but I have dents in my head and information hides in the wrinkles in my brain. Bear with me if I ask again and feel free to toss a couple cyber socks at me. 

If you click on your name or AVATAR a window will open there is a button near the top right that says, "Edit Profile" click on it, the window that opens is pretty self explanatory. Save and your general location will appear with your name and AVATAR on all your posts. No need to tell us you made the change we'll see it on all your posts from #1 on.

Don't sweat getting used to the forum, there's always a learning curve and every one is different. We'll coach you if there's a problem. Okay?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Several of us  are TBI "survivors" ; Frosty played "Irish Stand Down" with a tree he was cutting down, I did a concrete slab/head bounce test twice in a month with insulin crashes,  others had vehicle injuries, etc. Anyway our memories can play tricks on us ranging from aphasia to short term memory issues. Thank you for understanding when we have a "brain fart" during a post.  Someday I'm sure they will strap us into nice comfy rocking chairs out on the front porch and put the matches and hammers out of our reach...but not today!

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Just like the engines, put put put BANG! put put put Bang!---it's rather a good description of what happens sometimes.  I've learned to relax and not get upset and sometimes when I'm doing something else the memory will creep back into my conscious mind.  (I also take a lot of notes in a notebook I carry around!)

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I'm never without a note pad and pen. If I'd only remember to take notes or look at them later. <sigh> Think folks would look at me funny if I wrote, "take a pee," when I got up and went to the bathroom? I do SO enjoy getting THE look.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Not Napoleon Solo's side kick, Simon Illyan head of ImpSec.; a short, slight, quiet man that causes many people have sphincter control issues just finding out they are in the same room with him.

And yes I preferred Illya to Napoleon and Artemus to James and on a good day I remember who Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat was and sing way to much of the "Branded" theme song; wait did I just admit to that?

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I catch Bonanza mornings on TVland, livestream channel. I never really got into international tennis bum antics but a lot of my friends did so I caught episodes. Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels were favorites of mine. I always wanted a Rocket Man jet pack but I could never figure out why he belly flopped on top of rocket ships rather than use the door. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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