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I Forge Iron

Old style power hammer, Himachal Pradesh, India

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2 hours ago, Glenn said:

talking to the striker by using his hammer

*light hit* here, *hard hit* there. Universal language of quick communication.

A great piece of evidence that you don't need all the fancy stuff to be a blacksmith. A heat source, a chunk of steel, some iron, and manpower can get you where you need to go.

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When that image was rendered in my minds eye, several children were also working in the background. Tending the fire, cleaning up the forgings with hand files, etc. 

Also, I may not be an expert on the female species, but I am going to go out on a limb here and say that if one wants to convince her to strike for you, one should not pose the question in conjunction with the potential addition of another wife. Perhaps, it was an issue of nomenclature and at the time you misinterpreted the term swinger...? ;)

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On 11/19/2020 at 6:38 AM, ThomasPowers said:

an eastern smith who had both his wives striking for him.

This remind me of the Chinese ideogram for trouble. A roof with more than one woman under it, the worse the trouble the more women.

Frosty The Lucky.

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India is an interesting place.. I couldn't even imagine seeing a couple forging knives barefoot on the side of the road with a sledgehammer and a block of steel here in the States.

Thanks for sharing, she does indeed handle that sledge quite well.  

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