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I had the speech therapy classes through elementary school. I was found out in my preschool years telling my parents that "There is glass in the grass!" during a family gathering. Parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents... noone could figure out what I was talking about. I eventually had them to follow me and pointed. I still don't know if it was the "L" or "R" (or both) that gave me trouble then, as I did not hear it any differently than I meant it.  In fact, the only way I know that I still have remnants of the impediment is when I hear a recording of myself. To my ears, I "sound fine" while I am talking. 

When I moved to Florida, all of my coworkers told me that I would be picking up a north Florida accent.  It never took, but before I left that job eight years later, several of them had started pronouncing things more like me!  I've been stubbornly resistant to such "improvement," without any noticeable effort on my part.  :D

I did have a home inspector in Jacksonville, FL that pegged exactly where I was from within less than three sentences of introduction. Said he would know that accent anywhere, and named the closest "big" city. I took some accent/dialect identification tests later for fun, and it turns out that where I grew up in north Alabama has several interesting quirks that do make the language distinctive. 

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I seem to be going the other way. Bad enough what I had in Texas and Arkansas. Georgia and Appalachia just made it thicker and rounded me off with words like sigogglin and katywampus.  I tell my Army buddies I got a bad score on my ASVABs so all they would let me go to DLI for was an accent.

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I did speech therapy after the accident, I think it was because they couldn't believe what I was saying. I have to watch it, I pick up dialects and accents pretty quickly and without thinking about it. Sometimes folks think I'm mocking them. 

Growing up in So. Cal. I really  have to watch it around Hispanic accents, I've had those locked in since I was 10.

Tom Swift III and

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14 hours ago, Chris Williams said:

I couldn't tell a joke to save my life.

My Father and little Sister can ruin any joke usually in the first few words. Dad would ask me to tell a joke by using the punch line to describe it. Shannon just gave up trying. Mother and I on the other hand would get on a roll and keep a room laughing till we went hoarse.  We played games in the evening, excellent family quality time games are. Mother or I would tell a joke, then the other and shortly we were having a round robin joke session. One evening when a couple friends of theirs were up for games Katie joined the rounds then Mom, my maternal Grandmother joined in. Mother and Mom were both Rosie the Riveters during WWII and holy moly could they tell a dirty joke! Katie was no slouch but Mom had some of the crudest, filthiest jokes a rough and ready factory worker ever told. 

A real Kodak Moment game night. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I had to look that up. We played games sort of like that, the folks would've loved it. I may have to buy some card stock for the printer and print out a copy. I think the cost of black ink should cover their asking price nicely. Maybe I can get black card stock, do I have white ink or will yellow work? Hmmmm. Deb and I play, "Exploding Kittens" now and then and have other strange games, some so hard to figure out we build card houses.

3 minutes ago, JHCC said:

was it real, or was it Memorex?

Pure neurons and they're down to Shannon's and mine, Mother, Dad, Jack and Katie are all gone so they're not telling on this plane.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I think interacting with a lot of college kids helps keep us insane and definitely warps their view of "aging adults"....

I have a friend/ex-student who tells about first meeting me 30 years ago when I moved to Columbus Ohio.  I had told the local SCA group that I was a smith and invited interested people over to the smithy. Well he and another fellow took me up on that and on their way over; were talking about how quiet and shy I seemed and that they should tone it down not to scare me off.  It wasn't 5 minutes after they arrived that one of them fed me a straight line and off into the Van Allen belts I went...they left rather shell shocked that day and we've been good friends ever since. However they have never categorized me as "shy and quiet" again from that day to now!

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My eldest Daughter is undergoing the Covid cautions while in Okinawa with her 4 sons.  Being cooped up in a house with 4 boys from Toddler to upper grade school is certainly stressing her. Especially as it started before she had a good support system worked out there.  I wonder if sending them all the Gundam works would help...I did send them a Munchkin game with the expansion pack---"Cheat with both hands".

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