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Need to punch 294 1/8 inch holes into an 8 inch diameter disc of 1/8" plate. I don't have a clue how to hot punch this many holes without endless heats. Drilling would probably be faster but would like to hear ideas.


I was wondering if you could build a plate 1 inch or better and half drill the holes in the press plate and fill with correct steel posts. You could use mild steel if super quenched the steel to help it last longer. Then heat the plate you wish to punch the holes in and then use a hydro press or a fly press to press the holes all at once.
Just an Idea and you would always have the punch to do more in the future.
By the way what are you making it sounds interesting.
Remember if you are super quenching steel only use mild steel as tool steel will get to brittle and break.
Thanks Jim


The clues in the question hot punch, requires heat.

1/8" in 1/8" plate can be done cold on a mandrel press, fly press, hydraulic press or make up a holder and sledge the punch over a die (5% per side on punch diameter for clearance) just ensure punch and die are in line. You will need to put a stripper plate in place to prevent plate sticking to punch


I googled perforated metals and got several decent hits. Look at McNichols They have an LA office.

Doing this by hand would be a labor of love, if you only need one.


Made 1/2 sized rapiers for grandsons. Wife insisted on blunted points/edges on the swords! Unrefined but got lots of compliments. Now their dad wants one. Trying to replicate a sword with perferated guard with scroll work cross pattern- a stretch for my experience/ability. Need to punch the plate flat, shape into 'bowl', then add scroll. The spacing is 1/4" X 1/4" centers. thanks for great ideas, will have to figure out maintaining punch to die alignment and deal with backside deformity....... might go with lighter gauge plate......


I agree with Mills, look for a supplier who will sell you what you need. You can put a lot of time into something like this to say nothing of drill bit/punch consumption.


I have a roper whitney hand puch that is capable of that as well. You might consider buying one on ebay, I have seen used ones go for a reasonable amount. 1/8" hole are not much to drill though, likely take you 20 minutes to drill. Of course it will take you and hour to lay out and center puch though.


1/8" is WAY heavy compared to the originals, I'd go with a lighter guage and use a whitney punch. The deformation from doing it hot would be a bear to deal with unless you were using it as an ornamental motif.

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