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I Forge Iron

How Do You Pronounce That Doo-hickey Under The Firepot?

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It's pronounced lots of ways, including: the doo-hicky under the fire pot.

To air is close to the original pronunciation.

Tweer is okay.

For all y'all sutheners Tyree is regional.

There's another I can't recall at the moment as well but those are the main ones.

The audio pronunciation guide is cool.


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To-ear: My limit is usually about "to-ear" of corn.
To-air: "To-air" is human, to forgive, divine.
To-year: I've been blacksmithing about "to-year'.
Twee-air: "One, two, twee-air 'bout as high as I can count."
Tweer: "Tweer" goin' to the picture show if yont-to-go."

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I believe the word tuyere is of French origin and means a pipe through which air is blown into a furnace or hearth

Pronounce it as you like, but if its a doo-hickey under my firepot, I know it as an ash dump, and on my other forge, the doo-hickey is at the back

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Just so you will know!

The arrow in the picture points to what an original tuyere was on a Side Blast Forge.

A tuyere (Tweer- Tw-ear) is a tube, nozzle or pipe through which air is blown into a furnace or hearth.

The name was carried over to the Bottom Blast to avoid confusion in terminology.

You will also notice that a side blast Tuyere, has no need of an airgate, ash shaker that has become known as a Clinker Breaker, but in reality is not long enough to extend into the base of the fire to actually break up a clinker unless it has formed in a pool over the air gate sufficient enough to impede the movement of air up thru the fire. More often than not the restriction is caused by ash and small impurities covering the air gate which is what it was designed to remove by moving it back and forth to more or less filter out the impurities and ash without dumping the whole of the fire into the recepticle under it.

If you look closely at the so called Clinker Breaker and read the instructions that came with old forges, it states that the air gate can be used to limit the amount of air that is allowed into the fire by positioning it in different locations and a lot of the airgates will do this while some are only designed to move up thru small slots to break up the ash and impurities accumulated above them.

Air (or oxygen) is injected into a hearth under pressure from bellows or a blast engine or other devices. This causes the fire to be hotter in front of the blast than it would otherwise have been, enabling metals to be smelted or melted or made hot enough to be worked in a forge. This applies to any process where a blast is delivered under pressure to make a fire hotter.

The term (like many technical terms relating to ironmaking) was introduced to England with the new technology of the blast furnace and finery forge in around 1500, and was sometimes anglicised as tu-iron.


Edited by irnsrgn
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I've heard it pronounced "To" and in 'touch' and "Yair" as in 'lair', and thats how I pronounce it.
That being said in England I've heard Tue ( as in teusday ) iron as well.

This is all with regards to side blasts though, for bottom blast forges it's not so clear to me what everythings supposed to be called. The blast goes through the same pipe the ash is dumped from, so technically only the part above the T junction at best could be called a Tuyere, but then it doesn't extend through the air grate into the firepot like a true Tuyere on a sideblast does. Everything below the T (on a bottom blast) would be classed as part of the Ash Dump to me.
How about some answers from the text books?

Edited by Ian
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