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I Forge Iron

Hello from the other side of the world... Sort of?

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Hey everyone!

My name's Josh, and as I'm sure you can guess from me posting here, I'm new! A bit about me? I'm 21 years old active duty Marine (shout out to all my fellow service men and women, retired or not!) currently deployed to Afghanistan. Back home, I'm stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I've gotten into the scene of blacksmithing due to my wife's (girlfriend at the time) grandfather and I watching Forged in Fire back in high school. From there, I started doing research, watching videos, exploring forums like these, trying to find all the good information I can. That being said, I still have questions! Seeing as how this is just an introductory thread, I'll save them for another time and place.

Regardless of all that, I look forward to talking with you all about my newfound (and not yet started) passion!


Semper Fidelis


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Welcome to IFI Josh, I don't think we have many members situated at your current local but there may be a few not to far from your stateside base. I know folks can get a bit frustrated not having a certain tooling and being on posting must be a real stopper on getting a hobby like smithing up an running, stay safe mate.

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You might be sunrises what the engineers can come up with, and the locals may very well have smiths so the translators and guides may be of some help. I bet Wayne can ship to the APO and I bet the engine rises would get a kick out of a “T” burner. (Not warn them that it is probbably not appropriate to heating their still, but his experiaments with ribbon burners might...) 

be safe, head on a swivel and embrace the suck brother.

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Welcome aboard Josh, glad to have you. Thank you for serving!

We LOVE pictures, anything  you'd show a 3 yr old without having to explain adult things. Yes?

I can't really add much to Charles' post so I'll do a fade for now.

Be safe. Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome, Josh! I'm a little late to the party, but anyhow. I work at near by MCAS Cherry Point. I'm unfortunately not prior military, but thank you for serving! It would be cool for us to get together with some other curmudgeon and beginners who live in our area sometime to learn this obsession! 

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