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I Forge Iron

26 to 31 in 2017


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Each year between Christmas and New Years, we stop to remember the kindness shown which would otherwise just slip into the past.

We remember those that told us of a better way to do things, suggested a tool or product, help solve a problem, or offered a hand when it was needed. We remember those that took time to care, to listen, to send an email, letter, or note, and to show their support in a variety of ways. All these things were done from the goodness of the heart without expectation of a return. 

To those people that made a difference in our life, THANK YOU. 

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Thank you Glenn, For hosting us on your Forum.

And thanks to those members of this community, who act as a Unified body of individuals with a common interest. Without you, a number of us might very well be left without a place to call home.

Certainly, there are other forums, and other places that rise to the level of the above definition of Community, but this is the particular Island upon whose shore I washed up, four years ago.

And for that, I herein express my gratitude.

Happy New Year,

Robert Taylor

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When I first found IFI I was housing a palm phone. The security features made it a struggle. Buy the time I upgraded to the first IPhone I had to open a new account. Glen and others (some of them have passed away) helped me answered my dumb questions and more importantly answered the questions I should of asked. Thank you.

I have made friends, and as an only child I count friends as family, you support me when the crazies try to overwelm me, I get PM,s and even phone calls from Glenn and other moderators and administrators. All appreciated dearly. 

I have grown to now be contributing and paying forward the help I have received. Despite my spelling (and adaptive text issues) which the admin and moderators often clean up enough the rest of you can read it. Thanks guys, I apretiate the editorial help, and the good natured riding that goes with it. 

Thanks Glenn and co for your tireless dedication to providing this international meeting place and informational archive.


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IFI has been very helpful in helping me with my forge construction and diagnosing a few hiccups.  And a few years back when I got my family anvil the group was very helpful in identify it and care for it.  Many have helped, some more frequently.  To name a few Charles, Tim Gunn, Mikey, Frosty, Wayne, Binesman, Thomas Powers, Irondragon... come immediately to mind.  anyone who knows they've helped me, thanks very much. My omission is solely due to my 62 year old brain's lack of recall. 



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