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I Forge Iron

Chipped jaws


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So I have this vise, and the jaws are kind of rough. Is it okay to weld on them and then grind them down smooth, or is this a bad idea?  If thee is a better way to repair the jaws, I would love some feed back. 


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I wonder if it's cast. I would think anything forged would just dent or mushroom. I dont know, just thinkin out load. Maybe do a spark test or clean up an area and do a spot weld to see how it reacts. I have a vise thats had an extensive repair done to it and welds look good. The area marked with chaulk is the weld on the reinforcement straps.


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If it was mine and bugging me so much I couldn't stand it (and that'd be a high bar to meet), I'd TIG weld filler with stainless rod, a bit at a time, cooling between those bits.  Stainless won't tend to pick up carbon like other rods will so is more forgiving.  Since that's not really structural and only fill, you should be able to get a good result without really affecting the jaws much. Finish file the patch.

Stainless also tends to be pretty ductile so makes a decent jaw face for something which doesn't need hard jaws.

Obviously YMMV

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I think I will probably let someone that is a better welder than I am do the tig weld on it. Until then I will start working with another vise or insert the angle iron jaw liners as mentioned by JHCC. Thanks for all the input.

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