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I Forge Iron

Hi blacksmiths!


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Hello everyone,

I'm PeaceFreak, 23 years old and living in continental Europe.
I love computers & the internet since I was a young fellow.
My other hobbies are reading a good thriller book, listening to music and playing darts.

I am already interested in chain mail, but never came further than making my own rings for chain mail...
Until I saw Forged in Fire @ History Channel.
That is something I want to do myself, too.

So I am a newb in Forge-land.
Please forgive me if I ask stupid questions etc..

I hope on a nice stay here.
Thanks for reading my introduction, and have a nice day!!

Greetz PeaceFreak.
PS. I have a autistic disorder, so I can react a little odd... Please forgive me that!

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Welcome aboard PeaceFreak, glad to have you.

The things you say you want to get into are pretty wide fields, even linking maille has a number of patterns and methods. Making blades is a very wide craft. I suggest you start reading about the things that interest you in the archived message section of Iforge. It's organized by subject and sub subject. No need to read them all but picking up some basic knowledge is incredibly valuable. Just having a handle on the jargon lets you ask good questions and understand the answers. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Welcome to the forum!

I also really like computers and the internet. I even work repairing PCs in my free time, and build PCs for my friends whenever I have the chance. I play lots of games, and have spent lots of money on my PC.

I can tell you that this place is one of the best sources of RELIABLE information you will find on the subject of blacksmithing. There are some people that make their armour and maille, and a lot of VERY knowledgeable people in these subjects and many others.

Also, let me tell you that here, your own effort is greatly appreciated. That means, you should always try to search for information and do your research before asking. A LOT of questions have already been answered in great detail. I strongly advise that you read the "stickies" in the topics that are of your interest (those posts in the top that have a green pin on the left). Here you will find a lot more info, this is a great post by JHCC that explains many things a newcomer should know.

Now, let me tell you something else. I may or may not have (it's difficult to get a diagnose for several reasons) a slight autistic spectrum disorder as well (related to Asperger's), so I will give you a very small piece of advise out of my limited time in this forum. (I know, ASDs come in many flavours, so it might not apply to you at all. But just in case)

This forum has a special dynamic, which is one of its greatest features, but might be shocking at first. People here are honest. Respect is very important, but this is not like a meeting with lots of strangers where unconditional cordiality goes above everything else, even above the truth. This is a lot more like a family gathering, where if someone were to do something stupid, they will tell you so, in a direct and blunt way most of the times.

(You can always ask something stupid and that's perfectly fine, just try not to ask the same stupid thing that has been asked 50 times before and answered in great detail in the stickies)

But, if you show you are making an effort and doing your own research before asking, you will see this is one of the warmest and friendliest places around, and an irreplaceable source of information!

(And also, jokes and puns are very common, so you will have to pay attention to know when the post is actually a joke and not to be taken literally. They are usually short , 1-line posts)

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Welcome, PeaceFreak! Good to have you here. Please read as much as you can about how to get started with equipment and skills; if you have a chance to take a class or spend time with a smith in your area, so much the better.

On a personal note, thanks to both you and to Andres Bello for mentioning being on the autism spectrum. My son is also, and it's wonderful to see folks on the spectrum doing all kinds of things that people don't associate with ASD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all.
Thanks for the wonderful replies.

Where can I get started with?
I don't have a furnace or smelting oven, so some easy metalworking projects is where I am looking for.

Should I ask my question somewhere else on the forums?
This because this is my introduction thread...


Greetings, PeaceFreak

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You might try posting in the sections you're "studying". And I do suggest you do some serious reading, it'll get you started. Learning the craft jargon, the language of the blacksmith has a better ring doesn't it? Anyway, we use: words, phrases and various phrases for specific things and it really helps if you know the language. You don't have to learn it all but having a little working knowledge really REALLY helps. You'll be able to ask the questions you want in a way we don't have to figure out and better still you'll understand the answers without needing people to explain it to you. 

For example, in the above post I'm replying to you refer to not having a "smelting oven". "Smelting" is a specific term referring to a begining step refining ore and has nothing to do with blacksmithing. The only blacksmiths actually smelting  iron are reenactors making wrought iron and steel the way it was done a long LONG time ago. 

I'm not trying to be picky but it really helps to use the right terms for what you want to say.

If for ANY reason you don't understand something I say, ask me. I'll do my best to explain things in a way you understand. Okay?

Frosty The Lucky.

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I figured that his post was translated by a website and  "smelting oven" was a translation error for something like a forge as historically some smelters were called forges---like the Catalan Forge. (see his location)

Don't sweat it;  we have a lot of people come through here with English not their first or second Language. If you run across words that seem odd in translation let us know and we will give descriptions of what they refer to.

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Thank you Kevin.
With smelting oven or furnace I meant a device where I can heat metal in to shape it into a form.

I need more time to read all the forums thoroughly, so that I understand all the terms and so on.
Is there somewhere a topic with all the key terms of blacksmithing?

Greetings from PeaceFreak!

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1 hour ago, PeaceFreak said:

Thank you Kevin.
With smelting oven or furnace I meant a device where I can heat metal in to shape it into a form.

That would be a forge. Could be solid fuel (charcoal, coal, wood) or gas (propane or natural gas). Basically, something that's going to get the metal hot enough to move when you hit it.

If you want to get started quickly and cheaply, check out the JABOD (Just A Box Of Dirt) and 55 gallon drum forges in the Solid Fuel Forges section under "Blacksmithing". 

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Thomas is right, I overlooked the probability you're using a translation program and they're often wrong. My bad. This side of the pond we call it a forge or most of us do anyway.

You don't really need to read the whole site or even the all forge sections. There are quite a few different forges with descriptions and directions to build. All the different types have advantages and disadvantages some related to fuel maybe even your neighbor's noses.

If you give us an idea of what you need, what fuel is available, how large the work you'd like to do is and so on. The more details we have the more likely our suggestions and ideas will work for you.

Frosty The Lucky.


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