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I Forge Iron

Braided cable Steel Damascus

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Hey my name is Matt and I am new to blacksmithing. Im also stationed in northern California. I am going to be trying different combinations of steel cable type knives and accessories due to the fact that I came across a large amount for very cheap. My question is, has anyone ever tried using 2 different size cable to make and more unique Billet? I was thinking about attempting to braid the 1/4 in and maybe two small pieces of 1/2 in and smash it all together to see what kind of pattern I can come up with. What do you guys think?

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As a person who teaches classes on this, do yourself a favor, learn to crawl before you try running. Learn the in-depth workings of a known monosteel such as 1075 or 1084, get a few dozen blades under your belt and then learn how to forge weld on solid materials. My advice, there is no real cheap way to become a bladesmith and cheap or free scrap material is just that, unknown grades with unknown problems and surprises; $20 spent through Aldo for a new bar of steel will teach you more faster than you can imagine, primarily because you know it's xxxx grade and not "this part should be this but that month this company got a better deal on xxxx so they switched alloys and ht process for a few weeks to save some money". Save that cable for later, like for when your skills catch up to your dreams. 


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Welcome aboard, Matty- sounds like you've done a bit of reading already. I encourage you to get a lunch and a cool brew and read through all of the stickies (pinned at the top of each subsection.) You'll learn a lot, especially in knifemaking, safety (and learn that one first, especially galvanized safety,) 

You'll be amazed at twhat you can learn from this website. Its best to go slow- Blacksmithing is a bit like baking. Better to start learning a simple bread recipe before diving into a complicated cake- Learn to get the basic proceses down- bending, twisting, drawing out, upsetting, and then learn forge welding with two pieces of known steel. Do it again 10 or 20 times, then try a single cable. Try etching. Then move on from there. 

Better to learn the basics at the beginning then try to go back and find the holes in your knowledge. 

Glad to have you, and good luck! 

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Welcome aboard Matt, glad to have you and THANKS for serving!

I'm not dog piling on you but as has been said already you need to develop the knowledge and skills sets before you dive into advanced projects. Just because someone on Youtube makes it look easy doesn't mean there isn't a long list of things going on that don't show on a video.

Learn to forge  before you move onto bladesmithing and you'll only need to learn the characteristics of a new metal and it's needs, you'll already have the skills. The cake metaphor is a good one. Think of general blacksmithing like cooking, cooking is art. Bladesmithing is like baking, baking is a science. There's lots of slack to what and how you do general blacksmithing but your tolerances get really tight when you start bladesmithing and pattern welded blades are a whole new world of tricky. 

Trying to learn 3 related but different skills at the same time is a recipe for repeated failures. Don't get me wrong, failure is a good thing, there's nothing like the imminent threat of losing hours of hard labor and expensive material to inspire a person to try harder. However risking failure on many fronts can make it really difficult sometimes impossible to tell what went wrong and if you can't tell what went wrong you can't tell how to do it right. Make sense?

There is a knife making skill that does NOT interfere with learning blacksmithing efficiently and that's the "stock removal" method. You're going to have to learn how to grind, file, scrape or however you want to do it to do final shaping and finishing on your blades regardless and spending a few hours in front of a belt grinder or sweating over a file, sen, etc. can't confuse you like mixed forging can.

We're not trying to discourage you Matt, we WANT you to be successful. A lot of us old curmudgeons are old guys who love to tell stories and being able to tell the youngsters, "We knew Matt, THE bladesmith when he was just getting started," is always a good tale. ;)

We love pictures here and look forward to seeing pics of blades that make us drool. Keep at it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I'll admit that I'm trying to run before I can even crawl. I honestly can pinpoint the moment it started. I watched Raw Craft where Anthony Bourdain visited Bob Kramer. Obviously I understand that Kramer Knives are the Pinnacle of the art. I've been bitten by they blacksmithing bug and I'm in no hurry to find a cure. I love that you are only limited by your knowledge and imagination when both can be sharpened! (knife puns) thanks for your help and I will do my best to read everything before asking questions and trust me I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. 



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Oh MATT! Are you trying to cut in on my turf with the puns? If you're a player say so and let's get to the point.

On a more serious note you never need to apologize for going full American, nor does anyone here who wishes to say good things about their country, everybody should be proud of where they live.

No squabbling though, play nice or you'll have to sit in a corner or something dire.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Mm ... for some reason I am picturing my athletics coach pontificating on the scientific reasons that make it impossible for the human body to run 100 meters faster than 10 seconds. He must have been right all along. I never did. 

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