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I Forge Iron

Taper rolling bearing outer casing-forging knifes

Gert Odendaal

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Good day members

I am usually sourcing scrap metal/steel to practice forge welding . I do have access to a local scrap dealer in the industrial area of our town in South Africa. I happen to get hold of large taper rolling bearings which make for great forge practice. There is definitely a huge difference  between forging the normal spring leaf billet and the taper bearing billet. The taper bearing billet has a much harder feel to it when forging it. I noticed not many posts on this forum where members use the taper roller bearings when forging. Is there a reason for this phenomenon? Is it a safety hazard to forge these bearings? I really would like to hear from you members.


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Unlike spring steel, your bearing rollers are most likely a "stainless" alloy, somewhat akin to a high-speed tool steel.

Stainless steel is notoriously difficult to forge.

I doubt there are any "safety" issues, ... but heat treating a finished blade could prove challenging.


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Thank you kindly for all the informative replies. Members, I still prefer the taper bearing to forge a knife blade  from, it just feel right and good , it definitely will be making a quality blade ....I will give some feedback in this regards. I nearly completed my 72x2" belt sander machine build, then I will be able to work down the forged blades...:D I already completed a few cable forged blades, leaf spring blades and taper bearing blades...now for working it into knifes... 

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Hi Gert, your name sounds Dutch/Belgian (could be ancestry :)) where are you at? I'm based in the Netherlands and very much a beginner. I know only few people bladesmithing here so just curious.  

Edit: just read your other posts. South Africa has tons of people with Dutch/German surnames :)

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Monkey Forge, my ancestors were tailors from your country , moved to Africa, some became big game hunters, others normal citizens. I really would like f you will be able to get hold of the Odendaal family emblem in your country...contact me at godendaal@hotmail.com. Please take a look at this forum as well, a South African forum..SA Gunsite.com



Steve, fortunately I do have ample Borax available..so I can forge weld any steel ....:D 

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Thank you kindly Steve, the advice is much appreciated..fortunately I will only forge a knife blade to make a knife using the taper roller bearing components , no actual welding this steel together will take place. Steve, I noticed several remarks where it is indicated that I need to temper at higher temperatures, since the steel is so tough and dense..please elaborate on this issue??




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