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Craigslist Anvil Identification.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many IFI members are close enough to visit.

That's a Trenton in pretty darned excellent looking condition. Someone here and will can tell us when, who and why  "Trexton" was stamped on the side of Trentons. I'd jump on it she looks like a deal.

Frosty The Lucky.

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That would be a Trenton, approximately made in 1948-49. The later Trentons had the N that looked like an X. A very good deal indeed. Mr Postmans research didnt really have an explanation for the X other than possibly the N stamp wore out and the X was the NeXt best thing.

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Good for you! A good anvil at a reasonable price. That is also a good size to have, my main anvil is a 260# Fisher. That will allow you to work on some larger sections if you so choose. For smaller bars it will be just plain solid to work on. 

I am blown away at what some anvils are selling for nowadays, far more than I have, or would ever pay for one. I have acquired all of mine for around $1 a pound.

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It is not an X in the middle as some believe.  I don't think Mr. Postman had a good enough example at the time of the book to really see what it is.  The middle character is just a stylized "N", the legs in the middle never actually touch.  On a good, clean stamping example it is obvious.  Plus, these stamps were never individual characters, it was made as one complete stamp.  There is no reason that an X was used instead of an N.  

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Greetings Michael, 

Great find.. Ya stole it.. You will find that it is of a point in production when they were built with a belt line weld and the whole top is tool steel . Not a plated anvil.. Love mine with an X too.. 

Forge on and make beautiful things




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