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I Forge Iron

Anvil completed!

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It will get you started. Two things I see that may end up being an issue is #1 the ratchet straps. You'll be working with Hot metal and I think they would easily get melted or burnt and then your stand could fall apart. You could drill through the sections and lag bolt the ties together from each side. That would be way more secure.  #2 might be good to secure your anvil in place so it won't shift around while using it. 

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I have worried about the straps, but didn't really know how to fix that issue. I'll have to give the lag bolts a try, it sounds like a LOT better option.


The anvil has a stem on the bottom of it. I drilled a hole in the center piece of wood and put the stem in it. It's about.... maybe 2 and half inches long, so I'm hopeing won't shift any. 

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Not a anvil stand but u'll get the idea .

3 lengths of treaded rod , 4 straps  , 12 nuts to suit threaded rod

drill 2 holes in each " post " ( lined up )  3 hole that match the posts when side by side on the straps  .

cut threaded rod in 1/2 , drive through the posts , place strap on & nut



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Another easy one is to wrap a piece of strap around your stand, drill a hole in the over lapping end, heat it to about 400f +/-  wrap it tight and drill through the other end and drive in a spike or arc weld them together. It'll tighten up significantly as it cools, make the wood creak it will.

 You can buy hose clamps large enough, spendy maybe but easy.

Frosty The Lucky.

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