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I Forge Iron

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  • 2 weeks later...

THERE IT IS!! Don't you have an old camp stove somewhere? That's kind of aggressive for boiling patina baths don't you think? No panache either. Where's the shot showing of the blued blade or did I just miss it?

I love seeing videos but the sound is poor even when it's good. This video had good sound but it's only okay in reality. Do you or anybody know if they make a remote mic for modern video cameras, Go Pros, etc.? Something wireless would really be good.

So  many guys are making really good informative videos and posting links here on Iforge but you can't hear anything but the roar of the forge or breezes or traffic unless the camera is right in their face.

I'm not directing this at you specifically Theo it's really common and I don't want to miss anything if I can help it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Deb's been using everything, her I phone, Kindle Fire, Go Pro and a recently purchased camera. Not one is worth diddly for sound unless you're within maybe 3' on a calm day.

Maybe one of our tech savvy members will invent a wireless mic and cut me in for a %? :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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A handsome piece of art Theo. Unfortunately the ceiling lights pretty much killed any view of the pattern. You can get a good clear shot if you used the same light reflected off a white wall. The diffused light won't glare off the polished steel. Though I do have to say your mug reflected in the blade as you show it off has a charm of it's own. I'm almost bummed I'm not into . . . Nevermind, I'll be good. :ph34r:

Truth is it kills me to see videos I know are showing world class work but I can't see details for glare and too strong highlights. I'm just glad nothing I make is very shiny.

Frosty The Lucky.


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Haha, when I was editing it I was thinking "nope, can't see any pattern at all, just my own face"... I am sending it to Jim for some real photos soon, hopefully he can bring out the pattern in a way I couldn't. 

I swear, if you say you wish you made knives one more time... :P 

I'll use the money from this commissioned sword to start saving up for a decent camera... although recently I have been thinking a GoPro would be a solid investment.

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I didn't  :o say I wish I made knives. I'm going to have to wash my mouth out with flux if I ever do!  Though I do keep hearing this siren song coming from the dark side. I wonder if my insurance will pay for psychiatric treatments?

Next time just put the blades close to the wall farthest from the lights and shoot at a low aspect so the only thing reflected is the wall. That might do it for you.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your videos are getting a LOT better Theo, even the forge didn't overwhelm the sound. What is the bronze you used for the butt cap, Pomel?

Oh DARN, Deb gave me a shopping list, I almost wanted to go out to the shop and start stacking steel for a billet. Whew! :lol:

Frosty The Lucky.

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Haha, you can only resist the call for so long, we shall see....

The pommel bronze has a bit of a story:
I'm sure every bladesmith and many blacksmiths have had people just give them broken knives or swords before - "I paid a lot for this damascus sword (like over $200!) and it broke after I hit this tree in my yard with it a bunch of times, so here, it's yours". Well, a lot of the time I take off the bronze fittings, throw out the shoddy tsuka, and cut useful blades into sections which I'll use as the shell for san mai or let friends forge into their own little projects. The bronze is a random mixture of those fittings plus some beryllium-copper bronze for hardness.

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Be is one of the things that spooks me; mainly because I was talking with a guy who worked at a Metals place that had been in business since before the ACW and he was telling me that in the brass section finding *1* piece of Be Bronze scrap in a traincar load was grounds for refusing the entire carload and cleaning the entire scrap bin out and scrubbing it down before reusing it.   Now this was a company that as I recall averaged about 1 worker death every year or 2 on the steel casting side and if Be spooked *them* that badly...I read up on it and decided that since all my uses would involve grinding and buffing of it I would avoid working with the material and purged my scrap collection of anything that *might* have Be in it.  (Sad to see some of it go as the tools had such a lovely colour...)

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Beat me to the warning again Thomas. Good! BE is in the same category as cadmium in my book, toxic at any level. I have a friend who casts bronze professionally so if I want to do a little I can do it at his place. He has open studio Wednesdays.

Frosty The Lucky.

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