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I Forge Iron

Fallout 4


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I played Fallout 3. It was good but I found it so big as to be overwhelming to be honest. I completed the main mission which was surprisingly short though? I also kind of expected it to force me to go to more areas of the map. 


I might pick up a copy of fallout 4 in a few months when the price comes down but we shall see. I've been playing destiny a lot recently which has been quite good fun so far 



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My O.C.D. is kicking in with this game, everything in the game can be use to craft something. I have to go back to the start of the game to pick up the screwdriver i left there. Where i'm i gonna put all this junk i need to be able to carry more cant miss an empty mug or a pice of paper on the ground...... must... find .... everything.

BTW i though that the section EVERYTHING ELSE under GENERAL DISCUSSION was meant to talk about other stuff than forging and blacksmithing. Sorry if i'm wrong.

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TP, I'd love to see those.  What's the phrase I've seen on here?    Oh yeah, pics or it didn't happen.   :)

Seriously though, I'll guarantee you that I'm not the only one who would want to see something launching RR spikes at a high velocity or a flaming blade - provided the business end of either didn't have us on the receiving end of the contraptions.

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I have a small falconet: 2" bore, smoothbore, blackpowder.  You wouldn't be able to see anything leaving the barrel and I certainly don't have a high speed camera to catch a projectile in flight. The falconet was built around 1982; I was doing a deal for a powerhammer in a small OK town and noticed some *heavy* wall pipe pieces; the owner was on oilfield welder and told me that his welded were pressure tested to 16KPSI and they once had a blowout run 20KPSI for 24 hours through it.  So I got him to throw a couple of pieces in on the deal: US$250 for a 50# powerhammer in working condition...and then called my gun smith who agreed that it would make a canon for light duty use; then called me back and said it wouldn't fit his lathe to put a breech in it. He suggested I contack VoTech who for a $40 contribution to their end of semester party fund put in a breech---turned a turnip on the back end of it, counter bored it and drilled the touch hole---and told me that it had been a heck of a lot of fun rather than doing those tasks on a piece of scrap and then throwing it back on the pile once graded.

As for a flaming blade as I recall warmed linseed oil was applied and lighted.  The things one does in their youth

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At work today one of the guys was talking about "radiating himself to see what kind of mold would grow." I wandered around for a bit, rather stunned by the thought someone would think that could actually work, much less be willing to test their theory out. Fortunately, I asked him later and discovered he was talking about this game. 

I'll probably never play the game, but I am curious what in the world they put that aspect in for.  

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Isn't it funny how a lot of those memories involve some combination of fire, explosives, and projectiles?   Sometimes when I look back it's hard to believe I'm still alive.  When you have curiosity, imagination, time, and access to tools, information, and certain substances there's no limit to the interesting and dangerous situations you can put yourself in.

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Built this 2 years ago. 60 degree firing angle, 16lb bowling ball. Treeline is 1/4 mile away. Found ball 1/4 mile past treeline. Total 1/2 mile! 

Difference in building it now from when I was younger, 2 months of research and design. Ability to safely fire remotely by long cord. 

Don't even want to know the stupid stuff from early years!


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How much powder does it take to get that range?  Use to have a page in my favourites that listed civil war cannon and what their powder charge and shell shape and weight and I think it even had ranges.  Most went with 1/2 to 1lb powder.  the Whitworth was just plain scary compared top everything else.

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