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I Forge Iron

New guy in Lancaster, PA


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Just wanted to say hi.  I'm new to blacksmithing; having just built a basic forge on a friend's farm. I've never worked metal before...but I guess everyone has their first day, right?
 Anyone in the central, PA area - drop me a line.

Have a great day!

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header it'll make it MUCH more likely IFI folk will get in touch. We aren't going to remember Lancaster after we check another post.

There are so many posts about blacksmithing archived by category here I stopped estimating how many thousands of pages there are. Anyway, it's a good place to start picking up the craft. Probably every question you have has been answered a few times but more importantly it'll give you a handle on the craft jargon so you'll k now what to ask and what the heck we're talking about when we answer.

It's an addicting craft with an endless learning curve. Enjoy the ride.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Lancaster? That place seems to ring a bell...


nope never heard of it

Welcome to the site, there are several talented smiths in your area and the surrounding. Look into PABA 

Lancaster you say? I heard something once about this mystical place, I hear they make some delicious pie.

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why does no one ever bring beer?

Still scratching my head over that one.. see, I even got a text message the night before asking what kind of beer I like - my answer "just about anything but wheat beer". Now one might be inclined to believe that such a question implies that beer is being brought, when in fact I think it was just a way for Marcy and Nick to psychoanalyze me or something because there was definitely no beer in tow. Burn my coal, take my steel, complain about the lack of pie and leave me crying into a nonexistent beer bottle. :) Now that we've hijacked the new kids thread I'll bring it back around: IWF, the moral of the story is "beer is the price of admission to my shop" (although obviously I take the uncouth individuals who don't bring beer into the shop as well) and yes, there is at least one smith on here from the Lancaster area, my shop is in Manheim. 


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Thank you all...looks like I'm in the right place.  I'll update profile, etc, etc. Looking forward to meeting the locals and learning what I can.  And yes - I'll keep beer with me in case I run into someone and maybe Whoppie Pies and some Achenbach's longjohns (but only when market is open).



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Thank you all...looks like I'm in the right place.  I'll update profile, etc, etc. Looking forward to meeting the locals and learning what I can.  And yes - I'll keep beer with me in case I run into someone and maybe Whoppie Pies and some Achenbach's longjohns (but only when market is open).



Thatd be Tuesday's, Friday's and Saturday's - fine with me.. :)


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Good man iwf ;) welcome from across the state. 

J.w.s, seems like I supply the beer, coal, steel, and everything else most always. Need to work on that....  Unless they are bringing some know how to teach me something. Then my forge and fridge are open :D

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Still scratching my head over that one.. see, I even got a text message the night before asking what kind of beer I like - my answer "just about anything but wheat beer". Now one might be inclined to believe that such a question implies that beer is being brought, when in fact I think it was just a way for Marcy and Nick to psychoanalyze me or something because there was definitely no beer in tow. Burn my coal, take my steel, complain about the lack of pie and leave me crying into a nonexistent beer bottle. :) Now that we've hijacked the new kids thread I'll bring it back around: IWF, the moral of the story is "beer is the price of admission to my shop" (although obviously I take the uncouth individuals who don't bring beer into the shop as well) and yes, there is at least one smith on here from the Lancaster area, my shop is in Manheim. 


I will say while driving down the road all sortsa close to your shop I did inquire to Nick, "what about the beer we are suppose to bring for J?" So, you can't blame me for the lack of beer. Also, we did try to bring you coal but the place wasn't open at its normal time so that was also beyond my control.  And last I checked we were suppose to have a cook off, which never happened, so who is really to blame here?  I say...Nick.


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