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I Forge Iron

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I've been working on another blade inspired by the katzbalger style sword... and honestly can't figure out if I like it.


I think I want the whole guard to be broader, which would mean I need to untangle and untwist then draw out. I rather like the perfect squareness of the guard material though (I cheated and did the cuts with and angle grinder), and don't trust myself to perfectly squarely draw out the guard.

Then I started doodling some other neat ideas I like a bit more, but only work if I draw out... but is it worth it? Maybe I set this guy aside and experiment.
In retrospect I should have played with this design in mild steel first before cutting up a bar of S7 

2015-08-29 18.21.36.jpg

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Of all your doodles, the one that jumps out at me is the bottom right corner. It looks simple yet elegant. Maybe if you go with an octagonal shape rather than square, the twists might look a little more finished or refined. Maybe try a mockup in a piece of mild steel before you commit to changing what you have.

Just the humble opinion of a non-bladesmith

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JWS: Yep, okay, you're right. I love integral knives, and thought the katzbalger was perfect for an integral guard on a sword. I also like a challenge, haha


JME: That one seems to be everyone's choice. I have no mild steel in my stocks, gotta pick some up. 


Ah geez - why didn't I remember this before? - I should get some clay! 

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I kind of like the guard pattern in your Avatar.  :rolleyes:

Truth is I don't really have a good mental image of any of them but couldn't let a good straight line lay. I can however see how the idea works and am getting crazy stupid intricate mental images of basket hilts made with high contrast pattern welded stock.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm just haunting the threads and this one seems fairly old, but I wonder if you could anticipate the distortion that the twisting would cause on an inscription with actual words/text/symbols and compensate for it when you make them. It would be an interesting experiment, but it seems like it would be almost certainly easier to simply do it after twisting with a dremel.

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On ‎9‎/‎11‎/‎2015 at 9:11 PM, matto said:

Rocknazz do you forge in sandals a lot, how does that work for you

I used to forge in crocks, then got tired of burns.......


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I don't like the scale burns on the tops of my feet so I generally do not wear sandals myself. (also the wife complained about holes in my socks...)  With my leather boots I will demonstrate to students that dropping a piece is not a major incident---and why plastic shoes are NOT ALLOWED at my forge.

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