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I Forge Iron

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This is my first ever commissioned piece.  The owner took possession this week, and was quite happy.  It is going to sit with some of his other collection on his back bar so I made a case that is sort of reminiscent of an old pistol case.

The blade started out as 9 layers of 1095 and 15N20 that I stacked my way up to 432 layers before forging to shape.  Quenched from 1525F in 140F canola and tempered for 2 hours at 400F.  Then I polished it up to 2500 grit before etching.  That may sound excessive, but I find it pays off big time after etching.

The handle is desert ironwood burl with brass and copper.  The bolster and pommel pieces are soldered on with hidden pins to maintain alignment during soldering.  The wood is epoxied in place also with hidden pins.

The box is cherry with quarter matched maple burl on the top and bottom.

Thanks for looking!






Thank you gents.  A few years ago I was working on a model steam engine.  That project was the first time I managed to slow down and pay good attention to the details.  It took me 40 years to become patient enough to do that, but once I did, I realized I was happier working on a few projects a year and pushing myself to be as good as I could be than I was getting several projects done that had mistakes.

I have taken that philosophy into my knife making.  I'll probably only ever be able to make a few knives a year, but I want to make each one as good as I can.  This one had some issues, but I'll make the next one better.


 Well shoot, I've been waiting for 3 days for someone else to show their ignorance with no luck. So I guess I'll have to show mine. What pray tell is in the little bottle? OK, I'll go sit in the corner now.....     Dave


Ha!  I should have explained that Dave :)  The little bottle has some gun oil in it, and the white things in the other corner are patches to use while occasionally oiling the blade.  I admit that it's kind of silly.  The inspiration came from those old pistol sets where the pistol, caps, powder flask, balls and patches were all in the same fitted box.

BTW, your only a stones throw from me.  I drive through Danville any time the kids have a sporting event in Avon or Brownsburg.


no its not silly when you go to the trouble of making a presentation case for the blade and sheath, its a nice touch.   I have done the same for some swords.  One thing you need to add is your business card.


 OK, I feel better now...I was abit  afraid it was honing oil and you were going to put a small stone in the empty hole in front of the latch. I would hate to see some kid start trying to improve that blade.  Very nice work sir....

 I go to T.H. occasionally. I retired from a union hall on Dixie Bee Road a couple of years ago. I'm actually closer to New Winchester if ya get in the neighborhood .      Dave


Beautifully done. Your pattern welded steel is striking. I also marvel at the flawless fit of your bolster and pommel. I'm a big fan of file work as well.   Robert

  • 4 months later...

Beautiful!  Do you think you might ever be willing to do a WIP of how you do your fitting of the bolster, copper spacer, and handle?  

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