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I Forge Iron

Handrail material.


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I have a handrail that needs to be changed and installed for the neighbours.  It needs a short 44" section that comes out perpendicular to the wall built.  It's easy enough by itself but I'm trying to find stock for the handrail part.  It's 1/4" th x 1 1/4" wide with a radiused top.  Maybe a 4" radius on it.  My google fu is weak today and not finding what I'm looking for or what to call it properly to find it.  Planning a small steel order soon and was thinking easy enough to add to it if I knew what I was asking for.  I'll try to get a picture or two up to help explain better in a bit


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Thanks Guys hopefully that'll get me closer.  Hard to search for something when you don't quite have the right terminology to look for.  :)  I'll HAVE to make sure I get it all just so,  have to look at it every day as they live right across the street.



Edited by Dogsoldat
forgot pics
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That looks like 1 1/4" half oval. I don't think you can get it any more but you could try asking a bunch of suppliers. An old steel yard might has some laying on a rack somewhere. 

for how little you need you could form it your self, either by forging or stock removal. 

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THANKS artfist!  I now know what to call this stuff and can actually ask the right questions looking.  If I have to I'll either forge it or grind it  but at least I can now ask for it from the nearby steel supplier.  Half the battle is done.

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 Canadian sources make it more affordable unfortunately.  The steel supplier I called doesn't have it, but recommended a supplier down in Vancouver or Richmond.  something like that anyways.  Think I'm going to make a hardy up and chop a short bit off to beat into it to make the right profile and go to town on it.  Less than 4' should be quick to deal with. 



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Different suppliers have it under different names but they all should be able to recognise it if you describe it… "Dee section"…even just "handrail", it is fairly common over here...which does not help you much. Half round feather or square edged bar. Your image shows half round feather edge…Funnily enough, even though I have a catalogue from F H Brundle, I have not ever noticed anyone referring to it as "convex steel bar" as they do.

http://www.parkersteel.co.uk/Matrix/16/Half Round Feather




Edited by Alan Evans
Deleted waffle. Was not relevant to OP's project or query
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