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I Forge Iron

What to do with 3mm sprung wire

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I've got a bucket full of sprung steel wire 3mm dia, not enough to weigh in and in short lengths, it's bed springs.  I'm after ideas of what to do with them because at the moment they take up a lot of space for the amount of material and are worth very little by weight.

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Wind it around a piece of mild or Med carbon strip stock. Sandwich it with two more strips and wind them the opposite direction, slip it into a piece of sq. tubing and weld it into a billet. Hmmm?


It'll probably make good gas welding rod, almost as good as wire coat hangers even.


Frosty The Lucky.

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frosty, we may try this on saturday, should we add some borax or anything else


I was told not to in a can weld. Maybe a few drops of oil instead. I've only tried a can weld a couple times trying to turn old drill bits into a billet. Borax didn't seem to help at all, failed each time. <sigh>


Frosty The Lucky.

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