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I Forge Iron

My best handles so far


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Nothing fancy, just Metallic spray paint. Do you have anything similar available in Croatia? Our choices are limited in Alaska compared to the rest of the country due to shipping costs mainly.

Sure, Croatia is in the heart of Europe, we got it all. No problems. Well the only problem currently is the economy and unemployment, but that is no different than the rest of the world. :(

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Sure, Croatia is in the heart of Europe, we got it all. No problems. Well the only problem currently is the economy and unemployment, but that is no different than the rest of the world. :(

Pardon my ignorance, I am just unfamiliar with the current state of affairs there. What fuel source do you use? I am using propane, but hope to build a waste oil forge for the summers. decent coal is hard to come by here, although there is plenty for power plants, we just cant get it for smithing very easily.

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Woke up this morning to -40 and right now its about -30.  So fires on full in the woodstove.  :D  Went out to a friends for a local knife makers meeting I've been going to for a couple of years.  We sit around and swap tales.  And do demo's sometimes.  Tonight was how to attach a handle night.  We did have a good time.  One of the members got a couple of anvils up here from the lower 48 and I am going to buy the 75ish lb one.  I have wanted a smaller anvil and people just want stupid money up here for them.  Anyway as soon as I get him $200 its mine.  I thought it was a good price for an anvil that size here in the hinterlands of the Great Land.  I'll post pics as soon as I get it.  He also got a "Made In Sweden" anvil "cast steel 101 lbs".  That's what was written on it.  I think its a Kohlswa.  He's keeping it for a traveling anvil.

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I don't know what's going on, but for some reason the quote function doesn't work for me anymore. 


Ok so anyway, Yes its very fun when we find blacksmithing tools anywhere for a decent price.  I'm going to pick the little anvil up today.  I figure 75# is perfect for smaller items.  I'll post picks of course as soon as I get it close to my camera. 


There are a few smiths up here and I know of a new gentleman in Fox.  I was talking to him here on the forum.  I can't find the thread at this second though.  Ain't that always the way it goes?  Haven't met him yet but I sure plan to. 


Hope yer keeping yourselves warm.  Its a bitter cold day today here, but for us -18 is almost shirt sleeve weather.  :P

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Pardon my ignorance, I am just unfamiliar with the current state of affairs there. What fuel source do you use? I am using propane, but hope to build a waste oil forge for the summers. decent coal is hard to come by here, although there is plenty for power plants, we just cant get it for smithing very easily.

Nothing to pardon, I don't expect people to know where Croatia is, we are a small country. Not like I know much about Alaska, except that it’s very cold up there. :blink:

I make my own coal in an old oil drum. I don’t need much, small projects for now.

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Nothing to pardon, I don't expect people to know where Croatia is, we are a small country. Not like I know much about Alaska, except that it’s very cold up there. :blink:
I make my own coal in an old oil drum. I don’t need much, small projects for now.

I like the idea of charcoal a lot , using scraps to make something is pure cream in my book. I have a buddy that gets piles of scrap steel that would literally go to the dump. These handles were made out of some of it. Who throws out steel? Isn't that crazy? What would my grandfather have said?
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Wow you guys type fast! I just now tuned in to this thread, maybe I just missed it? Beautiful handles Tristan. I'm thinking they're marketable.


A 100lb. Kohlswa would be sweet. You've used my Soderfors, they're very similar in quality.


Give the baby a hug for me please.


Frosty The Lucky.

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