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I Forge Iron

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The large flowers in this area are in front of hospitals, garden centers, and as a decorative corner next to the mall. Once you have them in public view, the more expensive houses start to purchase them for their gardens. 


Add your location to your profile and we may be able to make suggestions for your area.

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In todays society, unfortunately, you must be good at the internet, sales, business, advertising, presentation, etc.  The others have offered some very good ideas.  It is not your work that is not selling but its location, lack of an internet website, advertising, placement, etc. Clearly you must do something different to get these sold.  I can see you flowers in many different locations.  Once they take off, you will have trouble filling your orders in a timely manner.  A terrible position to be in.  Good luck.    

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Talk to the guy/gal in charge of public buildings and works. The market I think you have besides the one in a million citizen are public buildings and large corp offices. Libraries and public offices with a public image to maintain, say the mayor's office, city, state fed are my guess for markets.


I'm thinking I'd approach the sell by pointing out what a fine public relations move buying art from a starving local artist will be for the official. Gvt. officers can always use a good PR piece to show how they're there for the citizen.


As beautiful as your work is it's going to be a pretty small niche. Have you considered different configurations for the same basic subjects? For instance visualize a nice gateway with a trellis and your flowers on vines on it. Or perhaps a flowering vine covered lamp post.


Just don't give up, don't break the bank but don't give up.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Just an out of the box thought here; consider donating a piece to a benefit auction in your area especially for a library, hospital, etc.. the kind of benefit that draws the high end donors . Your work needs to be out there. Make sure you show up in a tux and sandals.

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I was thinking that your pieces would go great in a garden area.  Have your pieces at one of the local nurseries, or at a large garden area previously own by the super rich family that is now a public garden.  If you can get even one of your pieces in a place like that the exposure is priceless.  Good luck.   

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