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I Forge Iron

cedar soaked in a sulfur bath?

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I recall reading somewhere(don't have a clue at to where now) of an old tale of a smith starting his forge fire with some cedar splinters, soaked in sulfur. Taking a piece of metal and hitting it cold until hot enough to start the tinder going. Has anyone ever heard of this? Or is this just one of those things that your mind think up when you've had a heat stroke? Assuming i'm crazy and this has not happened, would it be possible?

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Taking a very mild steel rod and hammering it till the point will start a piece of paper was a traditional method of starting a fire of the japanese swordsmith.

It's not that easy.

I haven't heard of soaking in sulfur though I have heard of soaking in potassium nitrate---like making slowmatch.

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You chaps need to see Glenn Moons video on youTube, he does exactly what your describing. I've watched him do it with my own eyes, and it's impressive :D

I can hammer pretty well but the couple of times I've tried I've only managed a cherry red so far, I'm sure it's because I'm not getting an exact 90 degree rotate between blows.

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Taking a very mild steel rod and hammering it till the point will start a piece of paper was a traditional method of starting a fire of the japanese swordsmith.

It's not that easy.

I can't remember who (CurlyGeorge maybe??) but one of our members has a video on YouTube demonstrating hammering a 1/4" rod to white hot from cold. And no, it don't look easy ;) With quick but heavy hammer blows and turning rod quickly, the end eventually gets red then turns to bright yellow to white in less than a minute.
Edit note: What Ian said, LOL
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