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I Forge Iron

How blacksmiths make machetes

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I like the wooden poles they use as vice helpers to stop the blade from slipping wile they file.


I like watching other smith's work.

You learn interesting things.

I tell everyone who wants to learn from me. "You never stop learning, you will always think of a new way to make a hammer, a new tool to help make a hook. There will be times you watch a new(er) smith work and learn a new way to do a certain thing. This is an ever learning craft that keeps on teaching."

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I wonder what the balance on a bolo machete with dropped handle would be like? Looks awkward.

Typically the weight is towards the front similar to a kukri: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=kukri&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=kukri&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=F133BC2CDF5B0156DA1CD3A8ECC3BEFFBB31C1D6&selectedIndex=3


Ever watch arnis or kali? Those men don't make it look awkward.. they utilize the weight and circular movements to maximize the momentum.

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