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I Forge Iron

Paired Seax


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These two blades are a commission piece .


The blades were forged as a set of blades for a Nat Geo Tv program on the staffordshire hoard.


These blades were the in progress blades that I worked on in front of the camera.....The final blade i made for the tv program was a lot more subtle in pattern having wrought iron mixed in with all the patternweld.


These paired seax are handled in bog oak (3000 years old possably a lot older ) and sterling silver. the dimentions of the blade are based on a seax blade in salisbury museum. The by-knife is made from the off cut of the bigger seax.

the large seax is 25 inches from butt cap to point.




close up



Here is another seax made for the same client from the same blade series. shorter in walnut and silver plated copper wire.




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