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I Forge Iron

Don't give up!!

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No question here, just wanted to tell the new guys never give up on the anvil search. After a year of working the RR track anvil, I stumbled on these 3 PW's---a 191, a 112, and a 100, all for a hair under 8 bills for all 3. I thought a good anvil was out of reach. It took a thousand questions, but only one asked at the right time. Keep after it!!!!!



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I agree do not give up, I had been looking for a about 6 months and a friend metioned it to a guy they know and he said he had a couple I could chose from, the next day got an email from someone else with a lead so may wind up with 2 or 3 before the week is over.

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You are right about that Thomas. I spent years without a real anvil at home. Eventually, I think I got the fourth try right on a fabricated anvil. Unfortunately, I never use it. It turns out that number three is fantastic,and I occasionally still use number two. Then that big Hay Budden came along at an irresistable price, so I had to buy it or I would end up kicking myself. It took four homemade anvils to eventually attract that one!

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