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I Forge Iron

I asked how big is too big.... I went big.

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...a man with a Rune and a 500 pound anvil, and I thought that I was blessed with a GoldWing and a 400 pound Peter Wright. I suppose there are those who have and then there are those who really have.:)

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Now that I think about it, I suppose it is a rather unique combination to own both, since both are rather limited in number.
Helps a lot not being married and no kids.... I use my side job as my Fun Money Fund to buy the fun things.

Not being married, there isn't someone holding the "veto power" on my purchasing decisions!

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Depends on what you like/want/need! The trick is to be happy with what you got.

I worked with a lady once that was always complaining about her money situation. I finally had to point out that we were hired in at the same time with the same degree and so should have equivalent salaries and that I was supporting 5 people on the same salary she had just herself to support and I could just not emphasize with her money troubles...

I think I have a lot more fun doing smithing on the cheap that I would have with lots of money---but I'm willing to try the experiment!

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Warning- Off topic and could get political, so this is all I'll say about it.

It's very well documented that women in America with similar degrees/qualifications/work experience to their male counterparts make 60% of male salaries.

If she was a spendthrift and bad with budgets then it would be her own xxxx fault, but hard saying not knowing.

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I once worked with a young lady for a number of years. We were working on a project with many drawn out scroll ends. One day she looked me in the eye, and with that very special twinkle that they seem to be a master of, told me that it isn't how long you make it, but how you make it long that really matters. My response, after catching my breath and picking myself up off the shop floor was that she seemed to have grasped some blacksmithing principals that many aspiring smiths never got. It may apply here as well. Anvils can be too small at times, but rarely too big. Good luck with your great score, but please always keep in mind the words of my young helper ;

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Well Judson I was working for a major multinational that had seen a number of legal cases over such things and the ladies tended to get more money than the men---really torqued off the male half of a married couple from India when his wife got paid more and put on a fast track to be a supervisor. YMMV

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