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Here's what I couldn't pass up- a chance at a 527 pound A&H anvil in nice shape. It also came on the Fisher anvil stand in the other thread. The deal also got enhanced by the addition of the Fisher double screw vise I posted about in the vise forum.

Face looks fantastic, I'm amazed at the mass of this anvil. It was tightened down to the anvil stand plate by some 3/8" rod bent around the base with some threaded ends going through the plate and nuts on the bottom side. I wonder how long it has been since the top of that anvil mount plate has seen daylight?..... Most of these pics are after a good wire brushing, a CLR wipedown, a good water rinse, a leaf-blower dry, and then some rust inhibitor for now. When this baby is bolted down to the 185 pound Fisher stand, you're looking at 712 pounds of anvil goodness.... :)

Wondering what were the marks from the bottomside of the heel area? They possibly look part of the original casting?









Man, how do you come across these big anvils..In years of looking in a 100+ mile radius 200# is the biggest Ive ever found..Your killing me dude..


ya gotta be willing to go past 100mi radius! ;)

I said "+"..LOL, the 100 mile is just a weekly search of flea markets and local trade papers..It dosnt supprise me though, we live in tool purgatory..Deepest,darkest Appalachia isnt known for having many blacksmith tools..
great anvil and a great score..

If the deal is ok with me when I include travel/gas costs, I'm not afraid of driving.
Drove 11hrs each way to pickup my killer deal on a cycle.
1000mi days for me are not out of the question if it's worth it.


"Wondering what were the marks from the bottomside of the heel area? They possibly look part of the original casting?"

Your AH anvil was forged, not cast. Those marks are from when the steel was drawn out to form the heel on the large steam driven power hammer. They were typically left because they did not affect the functionality of the anvil.

Nice anvil. I am partial to these rare large sizes.


Those marks are from when the steel was drawn out to form the heel on the large steam driven power hammer. They were typically left because they did not affect the functionality of the anvil.

......that is so cool, thanks!
Finding an anvil that mice and getting that vise is like winning powerball twice. Bravo

Keep your eyes peeled for a champion number 2 power hammer. Good things come in threes

Actually my intent was going there to purchase this big anvil, I knew it was mounted on a metal stand.
I didn't realize how nice the stand was until I got there.
I didn't realize it was a Fisher stand until I got home and wire brushed down to reveal the name on the casting.
The Fisher #2 double screw vise got thrown into the deal out of the blue when negotiating the full asking price for the anvil alone.

Awesome Anvil, congratulations! What is the height of the face when it's on the stand?

I'll have to measure it when I get home. I know it feels 'just about right' in height, but now that I know the stand is actually for a Fisher swage block, maybe I should mount this anvil on something else.
Maybe that Fisher swage block stand needs a Fisher swage block to go in it.....

Talk about unexpected consequences of a purchase. ;-)

Glad it feels right. The reason I asked is it looks like it could be at a better height for heavy striking not everyday stand up go to beatin ht. It looks proud, just anvil and stand but if you were to have to lean over to work on it in 20 years you may not be the one standing so proud, but you probly knew that already... :)


I know the stand is about 13.5" to the top of the mount plate.
I'm pretty sure the anvil is at least 16" tall, probably more, so I'm thinking that is the minium height of the combo.

And of course I haven't used this anvil yet, so my qualifications of height may be a bit influenced by my giddiness of having the big girl home in my possession!
I'm not dead set on leaving this anvil on this Fisher stand, I can always un-marry them.


Most anvil forgers cleaned up the steam hammer marks on the underside of the heel but Arm and Hammer did not and so that's one way to recognize them if the stampings are gone. (BTW made in Columbus OH)


There were at least three coats of paint on the anvil at some time, most of all three coats were still on the underside of the heel.
Tough stuff to get off...

Would this anvil have come painted from the factory? Or did they sell them bare?


Most stuff from that era came with at least a Q&D coating to avoid rusting during shipment. Have to see if Postman wrote anything about it as I no longer have access ton the fellow who used to work in the anvil manufacturers in Columbus OH---I moved 1500 miles away and I believe he died in the intervening 20 years...


Impressive anvil , Takes about two of mine to equal that one. However I am even more envious of your colorful new lift straps. My lift straps are old, frayed, and dirty grey. Call it strap envy. :)

In any event it looks like you are prepared to move it when necessary.


However I am even more envious of your colorful new lift straps. My lift straps are old, frayed, and dirty grey. Call it strap envy. :)

Cheap and easy to get, Harbor Freight 1 tonners, $8 each: http://www.harborfre...ling-44847.html
Seem decently made to me.

I'm lifting that anvil on the HF Gantry Crane, and HF hoist. Works fine for my uses.
I don't think I'd be trusting all that will a full 1 ton unless I had to, but for anything 1200-1300lbs and under I have no worries.
All bought during a big sale, and then I had another 20% coupon to use on top of that. :)

I have been watching that one for awhile, was hoping it went to a good home.

You sure did drive a ways for it!

I can think of a home none better for this old girl.... :)

I was home by 10pm having a celebratory beer.

I just got my copy of 'Anvils In America' the other day, and reading into the section on A&H anvils, page 264:

If any one reading this should locate an Arm and Hammer anvil weighing over 500 pounds, I would like to know about it.

Seems to me I would qualify for that statement.....

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