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I Forge Iron

The Power Hammer Market?

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Its seems lately Ive noticed that the market on used hammers has been leveling off..Do you think its because of the increased availability of new air hammers and homemade hammers? (Im talking roughly 150# and less)
There for a while I was seeing 25# LG's going for more than 4K..Espically on ebay but even the ebay sales have tapered off it seems..Hammers that use to sell on ebay for crazy ammounts are now being relisted several times it seems before they sell..
I love mechanicals dont get me wrong but its hard to beat a good air hammer for tooling..Of course I live in a blaclsmith poor area so Im going by internet sales that I watch..
It just makes me wonder if the days of $4K #25 pounders are finally tapering off..

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Ten years ago I predicted the market would go soft on small mechanical hammers on account of the new fabricated air utility and easily made JYHs but I was way wrong. The 25&50 LG's have held their value and there ain't no end in sight. They're still the go to hammers of the small operator and that keeps em up there....Go to plan B or get lucky if you want a cheap one.

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We have a #50 LG that runs as good as any Ive ever used and better than the majority. Though I cant take credit for that..That being said the next hammer I buy will be a air hammer and wont be a mechainical unless its a big beaudry..
I really am supprised at how high the old mechanicals have gotten..

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I'ld take a power hammer over a Harley anyday!

If you watch and are patient deals do come around once in a while. I probably paid to much for my beaudry but got the kerrihard for a ridiculously low price. I figured it all works out in the end.

I look at them as usefull tools and neat pieces of history, kind of a 2 for the price of one.

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Sid and I both noticed the tire hammer work shops a few years ago really slowed down the LG repair demand. Result was people started turning loose of hammers they were always going to get around to rebuilding but never did. A year or two went by and the new wore off the tire hammer then they wanted better hammers. With more experience and confidence they are willing to spend more to get more. I also think with lower interest rates people are willing to turn loose of money that is not increasing much. A quality hammer LG, Beaudry, Bradley etc. will most likely hold there money together better. The pendulim swings back and forth

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Yeah, the only LGs I see going to big money on ebay are the restored ones matchless offers, even those seem to be having a hard time fetching insane prices. That being said, I wouldn't pay $4k for a 25lb anything, new or otherwise. A nice 50lber ok, maybe, but I couldn't settle for anything smaller. Admittedly I started out using 75lb and bigger, so my perspective is obviously warped, but I've regularly seen 25lbers popping up in the less "visible" venues for $1000-2500 depending on condition, and that seems much more reasonable to me when compared to the equivalent alternatives.


I'm in the market (casually), for a good 150-250lb mechanical or air hammer if anybody hears about one. I wish I had been in a position to buy that 200lb beaudry that p.lemee sold a few months back

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I have been trying to get a hammer for a long time. But up here in canada they seem to be scarce. Looking overseas to China I can get a 35 KG forging hammer delivered to my door for 1800 dollars. What is wrong with this picture. Dare I put the money out ?

Where and how can you get a power hammer from China for $1800? Who make them?
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Try www.Machinetools.com go to forging hammers there were 81 at the last look. Ask manufacturer to contact you, like I said they will send you FOB pricing. Hey they may include pictures

My understanding is that Steve Hansl is the Canadian distributor of Anyang power hammers:

If you are interested, Dan Linkenheld is leading a group of us who are going to be building some JYH up in Collingwood.
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Who's picking me up for the road trip? Apparently we can swing into Lithuania and pick up that 275kg Beche, though i think that press behind it is just as sexy. And why stop there when you can head over to Bengal India and pick up a 3cwt Massey! We'll be hammerin in no time flat!

We'll worry about the water when we get there.

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I would be very suprised if you can get a 35kg to your door direct from china for $1800. (I buy lots of hammers from china) there are lots of potential pitfalls. eg, shipping terms 'CIF' great! freight included in the price :D you need to be aware that the shipping cost for the supplier from china can be zero, its all then lumped into the fees that you have to pay to the shipping agent to release the goods from docks, from the nominated shipping agent, who you are stuck with once the goods are loaded into their container!

Over the last few years the trend in shipping for the unwary from china is 'negative cost' to the shipper, ie, they get paid to put the goods in the shippers container, someone pays.......

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I think the market has shifted in more ways than one. There is less focus on the nostalgia of the tooling and process and more on the end product and its aesthetic regardless of what it takes to make it look that way by a growing chunk of our sub culture. The range of hammers out there are within reach price wise for many hobbiest and beginner. For less than you might send on a used old Harley that needs some TLC you can get a brand new Anyang 35 (cute as can be they remind me of a sewing machine, but a good forging machine). For less then we spent on my wife’s Sportster when she was still in collage you can get a Big Blu and a compressor. With at least 4 other big names out the for brand new power hammers there is competitions and a good price market too. The market isn’t booming (in large part because of the economy) but it is still very strong. Many who may have felt there best bet for an inexpensive good running hammer was a little giant now are looking to and out of the box new machine for less.

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