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After spending decades honing my rubbernecking skills to spot PH's and other related equiptment I'm pretty good at it. The nice new model 50lb LG in the pic was spotted by me going 70mph at over 100 yds near Greely CO, but it was all for naught......It belonged to his Dad who used it all his life and I'd never part with Pa's........BLA,BLA,BLA...... :angry: :rolleyes: :( It's just yard art now he won't ever use it but maybe next year...............



yeah knots but you dont say that bit out loud or you get chased off the property you let them think that part up on their own

This guy is a strapping plow boy, even though we were seperated by a fence I bit my tounge. He had no interest in having it put online again for himself which is what I love to do for fun and profit, too bad. The pic was taken from the HWY ay 100 yds so it's fuzzy but it looks like a sweet hammer ......oh well.

Cash is king. Show up with a fist full of $100's and a peice fo your best work in your back pocket. If you see the value in the peice make an offer and hand him the peice. I have yet to do this with machinery but I've done it with hand tools, and watched it done on $1,000's in hay


Ive got a 7inch 100lb vise, my friend bought it from a local repair shop for $50 (3rd generation from a blacksmith shop) he was sort of friends with the owner, all he did was show up with his mower to be fixed with a hand forged cup holder I had made on it and started a conversation, I stopped in to see if he would sell me his hossfeld bender, also sitting outback in the rain, made the mistake of seeing if it was for sale, before striking up a conversation and making friends for 10 minuites first, If I would have done the warm up first and the offer second he might have been willing to deal, Whats even more bewildering than why these guys wont part with these tools they dont use is, in this instance-- why arent they using them? When a stranger shows up at my door and wants to buy a piece of farm machinery, my kneejerk reaction is always no, Im not sure why, If weve talked for even a few minuites I start to feel like hes a comrade in my struggle and want to at least consider the deal, something to think about there


Cash is king, that's always been my mantra as well but that's in short supply these days......I like that Christmass idea, being close to tax time didn't seem to have any effect....He seemed like a nice enough guy but he was managing an open fire when I hollered so there wasn't much time........Funny the senarios I imagined before our little face to face.........You want that broken down thing?, Get it outta here! I'll get the backhoe......Best case.............Ya know those are worth real money, I gotta have $500 for it......Real good.........Or I gotta have $5000......Good, cause I can start the negotiations.....Then there's what I got....nightmare
It's not far from me so I'll keep an eye on it (like a one eyed dog in a sausage factory every time I drive by) and hopefully bump into the man here and there.......Who knows...... ;)


Most counties have property records on the computer these days. They are public records so anybody can look them up. If an address can be assigned to the property you could look it up on line and get a name . Next time you see him a "Hi Bob" greeting might help


Beer. always beer. that or pop. most guys are working stiffs. offer someone a beer or a pop when you get them talking. if they see your generous they would mostly reciprcate the kindness. you may make a friend and seal the deal.

  • 1 year later...

Well, well, What a difference a year makes.......I'm pretty sure this is the same one on CL but I don't need it at that price.....

Little Giant power hammer (Ft lupton) 50 lb little giant power hammer. Great shape. $3000.00 obo. Also have some blowers and post vises. Call 970-539-xxxx. If no answer please leave a message. Thank you

  • Location: Ft lupton
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interes

Give the add a little time and give him a call. Make sure to print the add so you have ph #. I like to let an add expire and then call them, that way you know nobody else is "on their way over to buy it"

smith out


I've missed out on a dozen anvils because they were somebody's Pa's or Granpa's from way back.  One of those anvils was a mint Fisher in the 150# range!


I'll never understand what people are thinking that they would let a treasured tool of their dear departed just go to pot rather than have a few hundred smackolas in the pocket.  "Really?  You love your dad so much that you'll let his tools simply rust away?  You love him so much you can't even cut the grass around the monument to his life?"


If someone ever offers me $20 for my grandfather's tool box, I won't hesitate to take the money.  It's worth $20 and I'm not using it, so why keep it around to collect dust and get in the way?


A tool sitting out in the elements, unloved and unappreciated, is truly a sad sight.   :mellow: 

I honestly get angry over things like that!


I know someone who has two Massey slide hammers sitting out side



think thats what they are called, they kind of look like a steam hammer with a guide halfway down


Uh...... $10 each. I wish. Last time I saw one for sale locally it was small 4" about 50lbs jaws were a little crooked and the screw had alot of wear. Asking $300, wouldn't take less than $250


Uh...... $10 each. I wish. Last time I saw one for sale locally it was small 4" about 50lbs jaws were a little crooked and the screw had alot of wear. Asking $300, wouldn't take less than $250


They come up for sale in NZ very often, you wouldn't pay more than $100 NZD for a mint one, saw 4 of them sell for under $30 each the otherday,


I still wouldn't leve them outside

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