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found this ad on craig's list. he said it is a peter wright 140 lb anvil. but there is damage on the side. he is asking $200. is it worth that? can I get the damage repaired?

My anvil now does not have a cone shape horn, very wide/flat, so I was wanting to get one with a cone shape horn.



Personally, i would get it. especially because idid not have an anvil with a horn for a while and never realised how useful one was until i got one. Even with a damaged face, a second anvil (especially one with with a horn) is worth it. and it dont seem to be too bad of a price. of course i am an ametuer, so let some of the other guys chime in before you make a desicion.



I would say No !! its not worth $200-- in that shape ! -- Even Free thats alot of repair welding & grinding to get it back to where
its usable again you will need an arc welder the right rods ,away to heat anvil to 350 degs or so , a lg grinder and so on :<(
I have repaird 50 + anvils over the years that one would be a good $400.-- ++ to repair right ,there are better anvils out there
keep looking Now that being said if youre a welder and its free LOL Yes it can be fixed


if you can get him down to 150 or so then thats not to bad the hone looks good if nothing ells it would not be a bad second anvil at that size just my $0.02


Check to see if the rest of the face is delaminating by tapping it with a hammer to see if it rings, (good) is dead (bad) or even *buzzes* (very bad). If the rest of the face is sound I might go US$1 a pound on it. Any more delamination and I'd only go scrap rate with perhaps a slight bonus for the horn and hardy hole...


Here in Ohio, no. Better anvils can easily be found for that price. How much are anvils in your part of CA? Looks repairable, and the body looks intact. What is scrap rate around there? Offer more than scrap.



The answer depends on the availability of anvils where you live and your skills in welding/fixing anvils, and your available time. If you have the time and skill to work on repairing the anvil, but no anvils are available in your area, then you would need to make your decision based on those parameters.


anvils come up from time to time, but like was mentioned in one of the answers the prices vary wildly. I am not in a rush, it would be nice to have a cone shaped horn, but I can wait for a better deal. I don't want to take on the job of fixing one. right now

thanks to you all for your answers


I've seen it advertised on Craig's list, too. I waited until I found one in better shape. I'm not a welder and don't have a lot of loose change lying around, so I waited, and I'm glad I did. I got a 117# Hay Budden from a different guy on Craig's list for $250. I think if you're patient, a better one will come along sooner or later.

I think someone's been trying to unload the one you pictured for several (like at least 4) months.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that noticed the "c" ring attatched to it, and the chain. Looks like shes already setup as an anchor

I am sure most of us noticed, but anchor or not it is still an anvil.


I'd buy it. Assuming the rest of the anvil is in decent shape, we're talking about a bit of damage to the edges of an otherwise flat top plate. The price is less than $2/lb, which isn't bad, and there's plenty of good surface to work on. Yea, I've seen better anvils come up. But it wouldn't hurt to have this one in the shop, especially as a beginner anvil. No need for repairing the face.

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