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I Forge Iron

"Of Shoes,and Ships,and Sealing Wax ..."

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Back to the previous subject: yes, I did read The Artists' Way, quite a while ago. I remember it was good but that's all I remember. Maybe I need to dig it out again. In regards to pricing and detaching from the piece, for me I find it best to set a straight shop rate and add material cost and go from there. That way it's only time. I include design time, too.

One structured event that I saw the results from was put on by the Guild of Metalsmiths in Minnesota. I went up to do a demonstration for them, but when I saw the items in their gallery I was a bit intimidated. A very talented group of smiths! Some of the pieces that were different and I liked a lot were grilles that looked like a steel line drawing inside of them. See photo of grille by David Mariette, a beautiful example of what they were doing. I found out that they had meetings and practiced the exercises in Drawing On the Right Side Of the Brain by using the book of the same name by Betty Edwards. I wish they had classes around here! Anyway, not only did they do the exercises in the book, but they took it a step further by bending bar stock to turn the drawings into the grilles. Now for something like that I need the class. I have had the book for a long time and did one or two of the exercises, but I just don't stay with it on my own. Perhaps you can pass this idea along to your group as a plan?


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Well excellent, glad to see you made it to Fairbanks in one piece Jake. Get hold of Mark if you can. I told him I would let him know when you made it to town. I did let him know about the exibit and hopefully he will come. I am going to be there and there won't be much that will keep me from it. I'm looking forward to meeting you finally.

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randy - thats groovy stuff- i like the grille - esspecially the figure, and, how odd, i only saw that book about the right side of the brain (there were two copies!) this week in the charity shop!! - if youre recomending it, i will go straight back and have a copy :) brilliant :) also yes - artists way - it is sometimes done in a group i know that some do, i just did it on my own not having a group, and i honestly found it fabulous - i have waffled on about it on here way to often, but the most profound element of it all for me (and there were a few) was the whole concept of the morning pages,. for those that dont know, its just an excersise every morning that you do where you write as soon as you open your eyes. the key is to write before youre properly conscious, i just sit up in my bed and write hardly with my eyes open (difficult in winter months!!) you can wirte anything at all, as long as you continue to write, so you can write im so tired its horrid im cold or you can write separate unrelated words, or just bla bla bla but its meant to be a stream of consciousness, and i used to do it for 6 sides of a4, then get up. you could do less - im a ludicrously fast writer, she recomends about 15 mins.
randy i TOTALLY recomend you do even just that bit for a few weeks, its EXtremely important nobody is to see your writing, you have to be totlaly free to write WHATEVER comes into your head (which is really good blast of fresh air and very liberating )i usually burn mine in the fire as soon as i get up - but the joy is you can write anything you like bad good indifferent, you censor NO thought :) its fab. and what happens is over the weeks, themes and things start appearing, it would be different for everyone i guess, but imagery, thoughts that are repeating in your brain, and certainly obsessions were made plain to me ! it was most enlightening and hugely awakening for the creativity - cant really exlain more than that but i really hope everyone who can be bothered would try - i do it on and off all the time. yes - thats actually the point of it , to unblock the creative potential i suppose.
the other thing im finding well worth the bother, creatively speaking ( cos it all feeds into the same river) and again i go on about it a bit on here :) but DRAWING , particularly from life, ( so much to notice and SEE) and also uncensored doodling, so a bit like morning pages, you get your chosen medium, pencil felt tip charcoal blood spit mud whatever you have! whatever - it does not matter, and you very quickly, without conscious thought, draw whatever is going to be drawn. it does take a leap of uncyynical and unselfconcious action, but its worth it becasue, again, it is incredibely freeing/revealing and you can mine into your own image library, books you never knew were there. :) also the act of drawing brings the cerebral/imagined out of your hand into real existance, makes it physical and about all the senses - even down to the sound of the pencil. it WILL help our metal work, ALL our work. i think as artists we need to feed our personal river of images, by allowing free flow. but i can be a bit of a hippy :)

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Yeah that sounds good Bryan! They are having an "Evening with the Artist's" on Friday and I think that may be when Jake is to give his tirade... oops I mean speech. :) I have linked their artisan's photostream on facebook but there is only one of Jake's pieces on there... tell them they should put up more pics... they might sell some online if people can see the work.

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From what I understand its a meet and greet with the artists. It costs $20.00 per person for that event, wine, little finger sandwiches ect. At least thats what it says on the U of A Fairbanks website. No talks were shown on the schedule and from what I read, none were expected. That being said its all a moot point anyway. I can't afford it. So its the freebee on Saturday for me.

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Hi KB,
Just explain you are representing an international audience who are interested in their exhibition and in supporting the artist(s)

Give Jake our best wishes with the missionary work and we are rooting for him

(Whats blacksmith speak for Allelulya ? )

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Got a link for the exhibit pictures?

Love this thread, took me a week to catch up. (KB, you can always put a hearth pad down for a stove, say a layer of bricks or a sheet of concrete board(you can tile it even!), or what I did at my Mother-in-law, a sheet of concrete board with a layer of bricks on it.)


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I've been following this thread as a lurker since the very fist post, enthralled with the conversation and looking forward to every picture of iron work, surrounding environs, and even hands (who would've thought?).

Now I sit and wait in palpable suspense as Jake, the weary knight with bags of clanging armor and weapons, enters the lair and prepares for battle. With his coin pouch light, and severly outnumbered, a cursory look would make one think that the cause is already lost. But for those who have followed closely, they know that his cause is just. And that he is bouyed by positive energy projected to him from likeminded individuals around the globe. AND...a freindly cohort is on the way! Should things look bleak, the tide will surely change when K. Bryan Morgan rides onto the scene!

I can hardly wait for an update!


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derek - its fabulous isnt it?? we have indeed sent our man forth... time will tell, i heard from him that things are feeling positive but he is not withing good access to his log in so we will have to wait for our photos!!
i have been trying to make a set of hooks for a friend, well i keep going wrong this week, running out of time, had a good attempt which i BURNED through looking at a text message on my phone!! thats a disgrace isnt it? something that jake would not have even considered in his focused march towards fe glory.....
well here is one i did anyway - its not great, but neither is it burned.. :) i did not get the shape i wanted between screw holes, but i got what i had lying around to hit it against, so that had to do.... i know what i need to make to make the shape i want:) the reason i did a long wide open hook is because my friend will hang coiled rope or something on it in his workshop. also - and this is KEY to my good mood, the tools i made with john which i learned how to temper and all that (still cant remember the words..) actually retained their edge!!! that feels so good i cannot TELL you. :D

I CANT UPLOAD!!!!!!!! :( boo hoo ..... anyone know what im doing wrong?? some people seem to be able to upload - im doing nothing different that i used to....

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We are all rooting for Jake out there in the hinterlands!!

The pursuit of all things fe goes on....
Beth, zapped by technology!! (that'll teach ya!!) I'm only lucky cause i use gas, so when i get diverted/distracted which is often as I can't seem to do just one thing at a time and also get some visitors popping by, the woodcraft guy who has his workshop at the other end of the barn LOVES to sit and chat away.... I just end up with horribly scaled stuff.... rather than completely burned. Am planning on getting a proper solid fuel forge though... all part of the master plan... need to sell a few more things first though!! Then I will join you in your pursuit of the forge weld... I just give up trying with the gas forge, although I've been told it's possible with my forge I've never managed it... down to my skill or lack thereof, but I think it's probably easier in a traditional forge

I made some tongs today, first time in about 2 years!! (I'm so lazy with practical things like that!!) They turned out kind of ok.... I made them quite long as I've got a gas forge and well, I'm tired of burning my hands whenever I take something out of the forge, I've been using a pair of ancient tongs for round stock I inherited from another blacksmith- they are heavy wrought iron, so I thought I should make a pair to replace them, then use the wrought to make something pretty with!! I have a few pairs of pickup and scrolling tongs I've made, but that was so long ago, i have pretty much have forgotten how to do it!! Well, anyway, turned out ok, functional, although not very pretty. My goal is functional AND pretty... watch this space! :)

Am getting geared up to do the local market for the run up to Christmas. Commission work has been non existent so far, so hoping that something will come along. Glad I've got a "day job" right now!!

Aha, hallelulia!!! I reduced file size to 40kb and have finally had success uploading a photo... Thanks, Randy!! (giggling at your name!!)

my wee patch of dorset, colmers hill, just in sight of my shop. NOt today though, today you wouldn't have seen it for the fog and mist!!


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aha.. cheers colleen :) with my impressive and indespensable IT support ( youngest son ) have reduced the size of the rather odd looking hook i made today.... lets see if its not all full of pixels or whatever.... colleen PLease show us your tongs - im interested - ive only made one pair to date and some scrolling pliers, but i have the bit between my teeth now - would like to see how you chose to do yours...
yeah randy your name is cute ;)
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Oh, I love it Beth!! It's like a dappled elephant!!! Really, super like!!

I didn't take any pics of the tongs today, didn't bring my camera and forgot about the camera on my phone, only just got it and was playing around with a decibel metre!! will post tongs maybe tomorrow if i can get down the shop after the day job!! My big project at the moment is amending my 3m squared market stall frame - I only have an estate car so i have to modify it to fit into the back of that!!

I can't find a pic of my other tongs i made ages ago, but these are some silly fire set ones I made a few weeks ago to go with the other handles for a fireset I made ages ago.... honestly, i just got so carried away with the twists... they make me laugh, who will buy them, i don't know.. someone twisted like me....


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colleen I would buy the twisty handles!! they rock and look very appealing :) look forward to seeing your forge tongs - i know what it be like though with remembering the camera etc... i hope you sell some stuff on your stall - how often do you do it? how many days is your Real Job - is it full time? INCOME!! wow !

brian - there are two holes in that hook, maybe my photo is Low Budget and you cant see them. bless you for enjoying the odd hook :) its not exacTLY the design i wanted, but i was struggling (as usual) and did not want to leave the workshop with nothing. :) you know how it is! i wanted many more detailed markings, but i cant make the shape i want yet, let alone plan such a thing as the decoration till i get to that point! THIS will all change when i suddenly become a clever thoughtful b smith :)

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Ladies, only in the UK would someone make a comment about my name. Thanks! We had a good time at the Hereford BABA conference about it in '87.

Your pieces are great! I like pieces with uneven twist and not all symetrical. That's putting life in your work! It's not perfect. Not machine made. I'm sure someone will love to buy any and all of those pieces.

Anxious to see more!

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Thanks so much guys!! I still haven't made a stand for the set, nor a pan for the "shovel" or dustpan, whatever it's called. I made it out of square stock and sometimes I just don't know what to do with it when it's square except twist it!! Some projects take me literally years to finish!! I'm a bit like that though, I have an idea, get excited about it, make some preliminary work, then have another idea, and the first one lays in wait...

THe forging tongs are really not so pretty... photo to come tomorrow... the reins got completely bent out of all shape and are still a bit wonky, hopefully they'll still work as well as the clunky heavy ones, Most of my work so far is small and light, and that is one of my pet peeves, is big massive heavy tongs. I have loads of them and I hate them!!

What I want is a special rivet tool like you have Beth!! Like a star or a flower...!! Girly tongs!! :)

My Real Job is Mon to Fri, but part time, mornings, mostly til lunch, except Fridays where i'm there for the duration. It's good though, learning new things, especially about woodworking and helping students with their work. Bit of a health and safety nightmare though in the sense that I don't have the "proper" training yet, I'm not allowed to use even a drill without supervision. They had a fit because I changed over the oxygen bottle. Site manager came down shouting at my department head about us all getting exploded. sheesh!!! I mean give me some credit!!

Beth, the hook I could see hanging in some really elaborate haveli in Rajasthan!!! Red fort Jaisalmere or the like!!! scrumptious!!

The indians are great at making so many markings in steel... I have some pieces I made in rajasthan i'll post ((-pieces are at the workshop- been meaning to mount them so i can put them on my wall at home, but that's another project that is lying in wait!!!)) and they just loved getting the chisel out!!

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