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I Forge Iron

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The weather here in SoCentral PA finally made the turn towards fair weather allowing me the chance to go for a walk in the woods behind my work. What do I find? Two large piles of railroad spikes. Each pile consists of roughly 200 spikes and various other pieces of RR iron. I talked to the boss about'em and told him that I'd get rid of'em and he asked if I needed a work truck to do it. SCORE! :lol:



You did use the work truck, right? :lol:

Whatcha gonna make with 'em?

I started loading'em up and taking them home in stages....that's a lotta weight! :mellow: Most of these have the "HC" on their heads so I see t-hawks, knives, and all sorts of tools and the like in the future. :)

Keep an eye out for the rail clips---the rectangular cross section ampersand like things. *Much* better an alloy for bladed items and tools than HC spikes that are at most at the bottom boundary between medium carbon steel and mild steel!


Nice find on a walk in the woods, better than a dead hog I guess :blink:


Nice score! -Make sure the boss is the recipient of something made from that pile!

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