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I Forge Iron

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While you are waiting to "relite your fire" you are welcome to store all your smithing tools, amvil,forge,vice, and coal here in my smithy. It will be well cared for and then you may take all the time you need to get motivated again.......................



When I fell like you I go away from the gas forge and go lite a coal fire. The smell on a cool crisp damp morning and look of it stirs something deep with in me and makes me just want to beat hot iron. Then go find my old lady. ;)


Have a quick scan through various blacksmithing books, online or real, until you find a technique you haven't tried yet, whether its a new twist, a new jointery technique or whatever gets your juices flowing.


Looks like parts of arizona,

I hope to see it someday:)

Ditto spending time with another smith (or aspiring). I eventually lost motivation when my son and shop partner went to collage. I have decided to join a local group to relight the forge.

Best of luck.....Dave


Inspiration can be hard to come by, but it seems to me, that reading always does it for me. I recommend the following books, "The Skystone" by Jack Whyte and Wolf and Iron" by Gordon Dickson, fictional stories regarding some blacksmithing, and also an art book called "The Power of Limits" can't remember the author, it has jump started me on more than one occasion, best wishes, go get er done.



Where is that? Blue Mountains?
Is that a concrete reproduction or a real anvil they have put in? If it is real, what a shame.



If ya need to "light your fire" listen to Jim Morrison / the Doors. B)

I am in the same situation myself, but it isn't just smithing for me. I haven't done anything with the woodcarving, leather working, ceramics, cars, or any of my other hobbies. :(

Got a bunch of crap on my mind lately; work, life, money, etc. I moved here in 05 to start my life over, but it isn't going the way I had hoped. Got plenty of ideas for projects, and even want to try my take on a couple of items I have seen here, but I just can't seem to drag myself out to the smithy to get a fire going. The 206 mile daily commute doesn't help either, pretty whipped by the time I get home.

The only thing keeping me going is this forum, the leatherworker.net forum, First Fridays in Las Vegas, and the Vegas Artist Guild. They are my creative fix. When I get home after attending the monthly Guild meeting after work I have put close to 340 miles on the car that Monday. It really doesn't help much to be commuting into Utah for work. Some call me nuts, but I think it is worth it to attend.

Depression can be very debilitating at times. I have been reevaluating a lot of what I thought made me happy, or would make me happy. I am content now with the fact that I may never have family of my own, and a lot of my project cars should go to someone with the means to actually finish them. I am getting it down to just the basics.

Anyway, enough with the personal diatribe. Ya just need to get yer butt out there and do some smithin". :P


go to a local hammer-in and hammer something. once the juices get flowing,....they ......uh.......are ...........um......... flowing................. I guess,.......... what ever, go hammer something



Where is that? Blue Mountains?
Is that a concrete reproduction or a real anvil they have put in? If it is real, what a shame.


the shot was taken @ anvil rock in blackheath blue mountains nsw
one of my fav spots for just sitting and thinking
this exact anvil was thought to be stolen for many years(somehow it was tossed over the cliff) and only 2-3 years ago bush walkers came across it laying at the bottom of the valley so it was hosted back up using a helicopter and place back to were you see it now

thanks for all you great ideas on how to get my fire going again the forge is ready .....all it needs is a spark

I ended up burning through some coal tonight, first time in awhile. Got most of the way through a marshmallow fork, but it was too dark to really do a good job. The twists look OK, but I tried some punching that got pretty whacked looking. I will have to see if I can salvage it another day.

I will have to look into running a light out there, so I can see better at night.

This thread sparked my fire, now I just need to keep it going.


If ya need to "light your fire" listen to Jim Morrison / the Doors. B)

I am in the same situation myself, but it isn't just smithing for me. I haven't done anything with the woodcarving, leather working, ceramics, cars, or any of my other hobbies. :(

Got a bunch of crap on my mind lately; work, life, money, etc. I moved here in 05 to start my life over, but it isn't going the way I had hoped. Got plenty of ideas for projects, and even want to try my take on a couple of items I have seen here, but I just can't seem to drag myself out to the smithy to get a fire going. The 206 mile daily commute doesn't help either, pretty whipped by the time I get home.

The only thing keeping me going is this forum, the leatherworker.net forum, First Fridays in Las Vegas, and the Vegas Artist Guild. They are my creative fix. When I get home after attending the monthly Guild meeting after work I have put close to 340 miles on the car that Monday. It really doesn't help much to be commuting into Utah for work. Some call me nuts, but I think it is worth it to attend.

Depression can be very debilitating at times. I have been reevaluating a lot of what I thought made me happy, or would make me happy. I am content now with the fact that I may never have family of my own, and a lot of my project cars should go to someone with the means to actually finish them. I am getting it down to just the basics.

Anyway, enough with the personal diatribe. Ya just need to get yer butt out there and do some smithin". :P

BIGGUNDOCTOR, I know what you're talking about. I have the family and that doesn't necessarily make the blues go away, but don't let that stop you from following your heart. Just like the coal feeds the flame you need something to fuel your life on a daily basis. Maybe finding someone to mentor in smithing to be your "family" is just what you need.

Getting rid of excess baggage is always a good idea for everyone. Don't let things build up either, if you see a wrong try to right it. I'm in the middle of something right now that is going to cost me dearly in money, but the fact that it's based on an injustice that has to be changed will have to be good enough.

ironstone smith, the fire hasn't gone out, so go stoke it up and let that hammer sing you out of the blues.

Now, I'm going to have to go try to take my own medicine. ;)

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