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I Forge Iron

Don't tell my wife

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WooHoo. I'm excited! I found an anvil. Picked it up yesterday. Thanks to Mike for throwing in 3 bags of coal, a box of railroad spikes, and 2 tongs. I have a white oak tree stump all ready to cut to height & strap down the anvil. It's 120lbs and in pretty good shape. See the pictures.



I can't wait to start banging on some metal.

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Send check for $10,000 and I won't tell on ya. Nice find. Trenton? Enjoy.

Checks in the mail.
I don't know the brand. There is something stamped on it but I can't read it. Maybe when I clean it up the stamped lettering will be more legable. Now to hit the pawn shops to find some more hammers.
Since I'm new to this can I ask a question? Is rebar a good metal for blacksmithing? I work in construction and have access to a lot of steel like wide flnges, tube, rebar, flat sheet, angle...
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Nice anvil. FYI, I have discovered the key to getting new purchases past the wife...to do this, you will need to first achieve CRITICAL MASS. That means that you have acquired enough stuff in your shop so she doesn't even notice the new stuff coming in. Be prepared to take some heat initially while you are achieving the critical mass necessary. My wife was in the shop a couple weeks ago and didn't even blink an eye at the new power hammer sitting front and center right next to the old one. I knew at that moment that I had indeed achieved critical mass. Life is good, now where's that 3B...;)

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Hey, what you using for a forge? :blink:

I'm still working on getting or building a forge. I plan on using the rose bud tip until then.
"CRITICAL MASS"? That's worth looking into. I don't have much trouble keeping the wife out of the shop but she watches the bank account like a hawk. I think the thing that did me in was the road trip I took to Arkansas to pick up a 3500lb radial arm drillpress, oh and the trip to Dallas to pick up the vertical mill, and then the lathe, all the deliveries from ebay... you get my point?
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I'm still working on getting or building a forge. I plan on using the rose bud tip until then.
"CRITICAL MASS"? That's worth looking into. I don't have much trouble keeping the wife out of the shop but she watches the bank account like a hawk. I think the thing that did me in was the road trip I took to Arkansas to pick up a 3500lb radial arm drillpress, oh and the trip to Dallas to pick up the vertical mill, and then the lathe, all the deliveries from ebay... you get my point?

It helps to grab a grinder or the welder when they come in, make racket enough and they will leave. Or if all else fails throw money at them any denomonation works, but $20's are preferred.
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Actually I get an "allowance" every week on Fleamarket Day that I can spend on *anything* without spousal approval. Takes a while to save up for big ticket items; but also ensures that there is money in the bank for when I run across a deal so good I can talk the comptroller into it.

So I generally say that I get $20 +- $1000

Currently I'm paying back the $600 I spent buying a #1 Champion hammer...(borrowed that from the shop wiring fund...)

It also means that I can buy my wife gifts without the money going through her credit card auditing and so surprise her.

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Actually I get an "allowance" every week on Fleamarket Day that I can spend on *anything* without spousal approval. Takes a while to save up for big ticket items; but also ensures that there is money in the bank for when I run across a deal so good I can talk the comptroller into it.

So I generally say that I get $20 +- $1000

Currently I'm paying back the $600 I spent buying a #1 Champion hammer...(borrowed that from the shop wiring fund...)

It also means that I can buy my wife gifts without the money going through her credit card auditing and so surprise her.

I'm on a similar system, but have no clue how you function on $20 a month! I can barely manage on $100 a month!

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Phil; "I get an "allowance" every week on Fleamarket Day" so it's $80 a month and that's one of the reason's I'm so cheap! I'm hoping that when my wife starts collecting Social Security we can bump it to $25...been living on 1 income a long time now.

I'm going to blame the cold and cold medicine for missing the week.
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Phil, Think I heard that excuse last week! That cold must be kicking your hind end!!!!

I'm confident that was someone else's excuse last week, but I recommend not getting sick in the first place. Its no fun.

Yes, my butt is kicked. My wife and daughter were sick with this bug last week, and spending this week sick was no fun at all!

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So now I'm supposed to have more than one anvil? No one said anything about that. Is that so you can whackem on both sides of where you stand at the same time; a hammer in each hand? Will that double production? I guess I could have four and then all I'd need to do is rotate 90 degrees and double production again.

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So now I'm supposed to have more than one anvil? No one said anything about that. Is that so you can whackem on both sides of where you stand at the same time; a hammer in each hand? Will that double production? I guess I could have four and then all I'd need to do is rotate 90 degrees and double production again.

These new guys!
You line `em all up and hit `em on the run.That way you may be out of breath but at least you`re not dizzy. :P
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Why,the Big Bang comes after Critical Mass is reached!
That`s when she finally realizes just how much you have collected and comes after you with that BIG cast iron frying pan.Maybe I should have said the big CLANG,as that`s the sound it made when the pan hit my harder than normal head.

Hopefully she`ll calm down after the Big Bang and it won`t lead to Nuclear Fusion.
That`s when the nucleus of your shop fuses with the cash from other people`s pockets and the universe,as you know it, ceases to exist.Most times this takes place while you are at work or out with your buddies and you find out about it after the fact.
Yet another good reason to keep cruising Craigslist and the garage sale adds even after you have more than you need.Never know when you may have a "Hey,that sounds a lot like my stuff" moment once you reach critical mass.

And you thought all that science stuff you slept thru at school had no real world applications! :D

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Compared to the rest of New England pretty much everything about Mass. is critical.
Only half of the Mainers sporting those "Nuke the Kittery Bridge" bumper stickers are joking!

I used to think the traffic in Jersey was crazy(bumper to bumper at 80+ MPH),till I had to drive in Boston traffic :o .Suddenly it wasn`t so bad in Jersey.

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That's the good thing about this line of work, almost everything you buy is too heavy for her to lift or do anything about it....once you get it home it's there to stay...all she can do is holler, atleast I hope so for your sake.


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That's the good thing about this line of work, almost everything you buy is too heavy for her to lift or do anything about it....once you get it home it's there to stay...all she can do is holler, atleast I hope so for your sake.


I got a very good deal on the biggest size Brooks double bick anvil. The plan was that it was so big I would tell Linna that it was an ironing board.
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