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I Forge Iron

Ned Kelly Helmet


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Nice work on the helmet. Did you go all authentic, and use a bush forge to heat the mouldboards up before bending them over a stringybark log? Just spent a good amount of time on Wiki reading up on ol Ned. Interesting, and I will have to read his letter when I have more time.

As for the bullet dents, I would say they are not real since the Aussie Gov't is still imposing it's rule over the subjects <_< Your still just a bunch of scallywags who cannot be trusted ;) The pictures of all of the collected firearms heaped into piles, and headed for the smelter a few years ago made me more determined to make sure that doesn't happen here.

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Sure is the nicest looking replica i've seen yet, well done brian.
I wouldn't mind some dimensions myself for accurate replicas; a friend wanted a suit to demonstrate the horse mounting possibilities. The events were over 120 years ago, but contraversies still rage on.

Here is a plough out the front of Benalla Museum, reputedly belonged to a Kelly family member.



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I really like seeing the various copies of Neds armour. Here are some images of a set I made several years ago. All from 6mm mild. The most amazing thing I find about these armours is one has been analized to be mild steel, only 15 years or so after bessemer converters were made and they are using them for ploughs in the back blocks of OZ.
Andrew OC I dont think these were made for use on horse back. As they weighed between 87-125 lbs depending on the armour IIRC. I believe that they were carried to Glenrowan then used when they became surrounded. I would also hate to ride with any of the helms at all due to having NO fixings/chin straps and only using teacosy liners as padding. I would also say they wouldn't have used these for riding as Ned and one other armour had a fauld/lower plate below the breastplate.

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