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I Forge Iron

Ship's machine shop.

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I have sat in the captain's chair on the New Jersey when it came to port in Northern CA, and had tours. Been on the Missouri up in Washington. The Iowa had just been brought out to the Mothball Fleet where I grew up, and I met a guy who said he could get me aboard, but hadn't taken him up on his offer before I moved to NV.

You can look at all of the pictures that you want, but until you stand on the decks you really don't realize the scale of things---BIG.

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  • 2 months later...

Some level of clean is good, it is safe and organized. It is also a good sign to customers if you have them. Pride in your workplace is valuable.

When my dad was a mechanic he had a manager who never understood why the cleaner the shop got the busier they were! The place went from needing a square edge garden shovel to peal caked grime off the floor, with a reasonable amount of business when my dad was assigned, to spotless floors, washed every day, and the same number of guys putting through 10x the work!

The manager never understood how my dad, and several other mechanics would be there for 30 hours and get a 50 hour paycheck. Book time can be a wonderful thing!


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Just a quick sea tale. when the Enterprise was going through her second overhaul the ship yard couldnt find a wt door that was suppose to be on the ships drawings. So they cut a hole to see what was what, There were no door way was ever cut was a machine shop fully outfitted no one knew about. These big boys are cities unto them selves

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